Met my current partner through a physics teaching program, we would go on walks after group sessions and just talk. They were dating someone when I first met them which kinda took the pressure off our interactions which was nice, sometimes I get more anxious than usual when I'm intimidated by a potential partner. We had a lot of common interests like rock climbing and biking and that sorta opened up to talking philosophy and physics etc. Then a few months later they came to a house show where I was playing my first ambient electronic album live and we reconnected after that, it didn't take long for them to curl up to me especially after probing my mind for a bit. They even told me how they had a big crush on me earlier in the year.
But walking and talking is really therapeutic for me, keeps my thoughts flowing without having to focus too much on how my body is acting in the given situation. Plus it gives me a good excuse to avoid eye contact :$
But once we got around to talking about topics I think a lot about it was really nice, I hate idle chitchat and usually end up diving right into the heavy conversation points anyways. Fortunately my partner was patient enough to listen to my ramblings! However since they're NT its been difficult at times to get good responses, sometimes I think too much about problems and solutions whereas my partner generally doesn't process the issues to the n-th degree but that's fine, everyone is different.
if perfection is a direction.