I have used the following...
* SuSE
* Debian
* Knoppix livecds for backing stuff up, etc.
* Ubuntu
I used Ubuntu exclusively on my previous laptop (minus my lab's software which only ran under Windows, so I kept the factory Windows install and had a dual-boot system... I could've just used wine or something, I know, but the lab software was so horribly coded I was happy it ran in native Windows half of the time. ugh.) I've recently bought a new one and gave the previous one to my mom (who has recently gotten into computers by way of discovering online chat, LOL). However this happened in the middle of my moving to a different country, and ever since then I've been horribly busy at school, so the new laptop still only has the factory WinXP install. (Thank G-d not Vista!) It is a hybrid tablet thing, and I thought it would be hard for me to set all those tablet features up under Linux so I haven't tried yet. I'm not a huge Linux guru or anything, and this is pretty new and eccentric hardware. Unfortunately the Windows drivers (the FACTORY INSTALLED windows drivers, ARGH) are horribly buggy, as I've found in the past month (updates didn't fix much), so I'm starting to think even a badly set up linux would be better than my current windows setup. As soon as my semester finishes I'm going to install Ubuntu and be happy with it. (But the tablet PC is excellent hardware-wise, I am very satisfied with it so I really hope I can set up a nice solid Linux boot...)
Autistic. Jewish. Female. NOT: A person with autism, Judaism and femaleness.
The Game of Life? Heck it's a cellular automaton.