Summer_Twilight wrote:
College isn't for everyone. In fact, I have heard that lots of the successful people already have hands on skills such as welding, building, computers etc.
As for those of you who are lonely, you have to like the person who lives inside of you in order to be happy. Now while having the right friends can help move you forward, they can't completely fill your void. Rather, you have to learn to be comfortable with being alone. Sometimes you have to learn to be your own best friend.
By the way Marnkis, are you interested in astronomy because as you know, we have a solar eclipse and maybe you want to join a group of people who enjoy solar eclipses. Now I don't know about you but I am very excited about that.
I was never taught skills like those things. My father was very distant and put more care into the stock market (Didn't make anything out of it) as well as cheating on my mother (She did the same, too). Instead of encouraging me to develop as a person, they kept me shut up in my room and told me "Don't do this, don't do that! Don't say this, don't say that!" to keep me in line. I think they were trying to hide their messed up personal lives from my siblings and I.
I don't know where it comes from but being alone felt like a bad thing to me. I guess it comes from how in popular media, the happy people have friends while the lonely people are sad. I do sometimes want to be alone if I am tired, want to read a book, and play a single player video game but in the back of my mind, I still feel down that I have to live a lonely existence.
I looked up on Meet Up but I couldn't find any groups interested in astronomy.