Your Score: Transcendent
You scored 60 Transcendence, 45 Immanence, and 39 Intactness!
You may be a scientist or artist, or strongly identify with those fields. You have a conceptual model of the world in which you, yourself, cannot logically exist. Therefore you have a transcendent view of the world: you are above it, looking at it from afar. However, you must live in the real world, and the descent of the self from orbit to the world is called "re-entry". Like Zeus descending from Olympus, you may act like a god among mere mortals, or also like Zeus, take the form of a beast. Artists especially have problems with re-entry, which leads to alcoholism, promiscuity, and the need to travel somewhere else. You should realize that you are not a god, but an ordinary person.
"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." -- Emo Philips