Evangelical leader praises Trump's Charlottesville

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rick sanchez
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17 Aug 2017, 6:03 pm

Evangelical leader praises Trump's 'bold, truthful' statement about Charlottesville

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/evang ... le/2631732

President Trump earned the praise of Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. Wednesday for his most recent comments about the violent rally in Charlottesville.

"Finally a leader in the White House. Jobs returning, North Korea backing down, bold truthful statement about Charlottesville tragedy. So proud of Donald Trump," Falwell Jr. tweeted.

Falwell was an early supporter of Trump and endorsed him just before the Iowa caucus. Liberty University is located south of Charlottesville, Va., where a violent rally took the life of a 32-year-old woman and two state police officers.

Trump has faced criticism from Democrats and even those in his own party for remarks he made Tuesday in which he decried the "alt-left" for their violent contributions to the weekend demonstrations saying there is "blame on both sides."

Trump's Evangelical Adviser, Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas, echoed that sentiment in an interview Tuesday.

"Racism comes in all shapes, all sizes, and yes, all colors," Jeffress told CBN. "If we're going to denounce some racism, we ought to denounce all racism."

Jeffress said he believes Trump was making the point that racism on all sides must be denounced, and it is something all Americans should get behind. He also blasted the media's criticism of Trump's comments.

"The media, the liberals have painted a false narrative that the president is a racist, and anytime he tries to break out of that box, liberals aren't going to allow him to do it," Jeffress added.

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17 Aug 2017, 6:10 pm

Falwell is still alive? Oh, it's Junior. Either way it explains a lot.

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rick sanchez
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17 Aug 2017, 6:11 pm

Morons are pushing the false equivalency idea.

Saying there is hate, racism and/or violence on both sides of this issue is like standing on top of Hoover dam and saying "look there is water on both sides of the dam."


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rick sanchez
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17 Aug 2017, 6:12 pm

rick sanchez wrote:
Morons are pushing the false equivalency idea.

Saying there is hate, racism and/or violence on both sides of this issue is like standing on top of Hoover dam and saying "look there is water on both sides of the dam."


In case you have never been there, the water is 700 ft deeper on one side of the dam.

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17 Aug 2017, 8:49 pm

Evangelical Christians are as obnoxious as Muslim fundies.Chock full o'hate.

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17 Aug 2017, 11:49 pm

Misslizard wrote:
Evangelical Christians ... Chock full o'hate.
Not all of us :D But it does happen, and as I see it has its roots in the spiritual realm. What better way for dark and demonic powers to discredit the church, Jesus, God, than to lead, push, manipulate, deceive, people who profess to be Christians to behave in manners opposite of Christ. And if those people are so focused on the material world that they do not realize that, the job takes far less effort. So, to help make wrong attitudes easier those dark spiritual forces trick people in to having shallow understandings of scripture, trick them in to taking things out of context, trick them in to creating and believing faulty doctrine such as the prosperity gospel theology. And given the basic prideful and selfish nature of humans which came as a consequence of the fall, that job also is easier than it would be other wise. And if dark spiritual forces can convince people, especially people professing to be Christian, that there are no dark spiritual forces, or that those forces are weak, then those forces have it made in the shade, to use a saying I've not heard in ages. So, yeah, it is a superb strategy to manipulate people who profess to be Christians in to being tools of darkness: getting them to do your dark work for you accomplishes two goals at once - furthers your dark cause and at the same time reduces your work to further your dark cause.

"There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good."
Tom Mueller of SpaceX, in Air and Space, Jan. 2011