That is great, nice to meet you.
I've only seen The Caretaker by Pinter but it was brilliant. I have read a few short stories by Chekhov but not seen his plays. I read short biographies of both of them though and I read that Pinter was all about the subtext, what was not being said being so crucial to scenes. I think thats fascinating because so often people do talk in riddles and his plays shine a light on how people hide things.
And Chekhov apparently was all about how people can't communicate effectively, I think his works explore the tragic consequences of people being unable to understand one another and failing to get their point or intention as cross. Again I think that is very interesting, we could learn from that. People are too quick to judge, these playwrights challenged human nature.
Domyou have any favourites by the Russians?
I read War and Peace and Anna Karenina by Tolstoy too and those are both brilliant explorations of how life goes off track from!m what you expect but they are very long too.