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01 Jun 2007, 9:22 am

Did anyone see the recent Oprah Winfrey show on autism
Some on the cases look more like CDD than autism to me but aside from that many of them had very similar
stim behaviours to what I had as a kid such as teeth gnashing and body spinning.
I still have teeth gnashing issues.

It was just screened on Australian TV last Wednesday but here is the link


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01 Jun 2007, 11:12 am

What's CDD?

I saw it when it aired here but turned it off after a few minutes, when the family complained about not taking vacations.


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01 Jun 2007, 11:19 am

Body spinning I did that when I was about two years old and that was only to music


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01 Jun 2007, 1:12 pm

I was so mad I missed in when it was aired in the US, but I heard it wasn't that good, and that exactly what Kim said... that the families complained, which is what I heard.

KimJ wrote:
I saw it when it aired here but turned it off after a few minutes, when the family complained about not taking vacations.

MrMacPhisto wrote:
Body spinning I did that when I was about two years old and that was only to music

I still sometimes do body spinning also, out of nowhere its weird.


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01 Jun 2007, 1:54 pm

My son and I do it when dancing. Sometimes my son does it when he's nervous.


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01 Jun 2007, 2:03 pm

I saw it when it aired a few months back (I've got a Tivo, set to grab stuff with "Autism" or "Asperger's" in the description).

I didn't think much of it either, one way or the other.


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01 Jun 2007, 2:16 pm

I spin when I get momentarily "stressed"...usually just once around... especially at somebody who's said something then repeated it or has asked me to repeat something. I absolutely hate that. If they're lucky, they'll also get an eye roll while i'm doing it.

Makes me wonder what that looks like from where the other person is

Quick question: what time zone are the posts shown in? Is that all over this site, or can I change it to show whatever time when I'm logged into my account? I pause almost every time I see it, thinking something like "june 2nd isn't till tomorrow...??!"


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01 Jun 2007, 2:21 pm

I saw it when it aired in Canada a while back. I wasn't impressed with the Cure Autism Now parent. She really seemed like a moron. The lady in the audience- the autism expert- should have been the one up there on the stage. The C.A.N. parent tried to insist that mercury poisoning from vaccines causes autism! It's been disproven! She just can't let go. I guess she's invested too much in that theory and has to have something to blame. :roll:


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01 Jun 2007, 3:15 pm

Esperanza wrote:
I saw it when it aired in Canada a while back. I wasn't impressed with the Cure Autism Now parent. She really seemed like a moron. The lady in the audience- the autism expert- should have been the one up there on the stage. The C.A.N. parent tried to insist that mercury poisoning from vaccines causes autism! It's been disproven! She just can't let go. I guess she's invested too much in that theory and has to have something to blame. :roll:

That was weird that the doctor wasn't the one on stage. I did think there was some kind of significant look about the mercury thing though, like the doctor wasn't really 100% sure she believed it had been disproven.

I can't remember it well enough to remember what the parents were like. Some of them seemed fine, if I remember right.

meru wrote:
Quick question: what time zone are the posts shown in? Is that all over this site, or can I change it to show whatever time when I'm logged into my account? I pause almost every time I see it, thinking something like "june 2nd isn't till tomorrow...??!"

You can change it in your profile settings, under "My Account" somewhere.


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01 Jun 2007, 5:56 pm

I'm pretty sure that the look on the doctor's face said she really thought the woman was a complete idiot but she wasn't willing to get into it with her on international television with only 30 seconds left to talk.


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01 Jun 2007, 7:38 pm

Esperanza wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the look on the doctor's face said she really thought the woman was a complete idiot but she wasn't willing to get into it with her on international television with only 30 seconds left to talk.

That could be. I might have been misinterpreting it. I wish I could remember this better, as I'd love to see if some of the women were obnoxious.


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01 Jun 2007, 8:39 pm

KimJ wrote:
What's CDD?

I saw it when it aired here but turned it off after a few minutes, when the family complained about not taking vacations.

Apparently, CDD is likely Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Apparently MANY have been lying all this time, and Autism does ******NOT****** degenerate! I THOUGHT that was odd, and contradictory. Anyway, this means that the head of Autism Speaks does NOT have an autistic child, but a CDD one! From what I have seen, autism is often not horrid, and sometimes actually GOOD! CDD is bad by any measure. ALSO, CDD apparently affects about 1:1600!

Now, how do I find out precisely what "body spinning" is?



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01 Jun 2007, 10:48 pm

SteveK wrote:
KimJ wrote:
What's CDD?

I saw it when it aired here but turned it off after a few minutes, when the family complained about not taking vacations.

Apparently, CDD is likely Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Apparently MANY have been lying all this time, and Autism does ******NOT****** degenerate! I THOUGHT that was odd, and contradictory. Anyway, this means that the head of Autism Speaks does NOT have an autistic child, but a CDD one! From what I have seen, autism is often not horrid, and sometimes actually GOOD! CDD is bad by any measure. ALSO, CDD apparently affects about 1:1600!

That is the very page that I learnt of the condition and it stuck me how the word "WORSE" was in capital letters.
The available data suggest that generally the prognosis for this conditions is WORSE than that for autism.

SteveK wrote:
Now, how do I find out precisely what "body spinning" is?


I remember seeing an old 8mm home footage of myself pirouetting awkwardly like a clumsy ballerina. Maybe just showing off to the camera then. But I used to often spin habitually and when I stopped suddenly I would get a real kick out of watching whole room spinning around the opposite direction. I learned much later they call this the “waterfall effect”. You will see if you click on the links below. ... n/MAE.HTML

I kept doing it but my parents kept threatening to put a tu-tu on me if I persisted and that made me stop the habit. Wearing a tu-tu in my view would have been the ultimate humiliation.
