leejosepho wrote:
Even though I still have plenty of desire to do things and be responsible, my own being industrious and pushing on through things has been ended by a combination of physical disability and depression over the past few years...and the idea of doing things for my own sake (such as even just taking a shower) seldom provides sufficient motivation. Over the past few days, however, I have forced myself to get up and do some things because I do not want to just sit-and-rot in my couch-potato chair...and those simple accomplishments have shifted my being motivated by mere survival to actually being pleased about having accomplished something.
hurtloam wrote:
I actually wanted to go do a voluntary beach clean today. But I was too anxious to go join in by myself, but didn't know who would want to go with me to do it.
I have the same kind of problem in relation to social stuff. I still have a desire to get out and do things, but doing them alone is not enjoyable like it sometimes used to be in the past when I wanted to "get away" for a while to recoup or whatever. Depression can be a real killer and I do not know what might motivate you, but I do know we must keep moving. Overall, I say there is no such thing as a loser, just those who quit trying to reach whatever goal.
I'm sure it's a sign of depression, in my case too. I just don't like viewing depression as an "illness", because I feel that if I could make some friends in my new city I would start smiling again. I think in 90% of cases, depression is just the by product of our circumstances.
I can relate to both of you, I really want to throw myself out there, but I just feel like I would look stupid going alone.. Yesterday I considered going to the pub for a quick beer, just in the hopes of bumping into a nice conversation with someone, but I feel like I would look really stupid going there alone. I don't know anyone in this city, and there are no aspie meet ups or anything of the sort. On top of that I work from home.