Hormones were never that bad for me.
I turned 13, I wanted to do typical teen things, like dating and growing up. My hormones were more or less raging then. They didn't have a whole lot of effect on me, however when I was around 13-14, the situation of emotional and mental abuse I was in for six years at the time began to have more of a negative effect on me, and I began to get angry at many things. Now, at 17, my sexual hormones seem to be raging more than ever as I have developed an addiction to masturbation, and I get hornier and hornier than ever. On top of the mood swings, I'm not having as many anymore. However the trauma I have experienced in the past ten years, from first grade to now, is starting to get the better of me, as I have grown seldom and apathetic and begin holding my feelings inside, rarely ever crying about anything.
And I seem to be having a hormone imbalance, as my testicles are slightly smaller than that of an average kid my age, and I am tired all day long, although the latter may also be the result of my bad diet, which consists of mainly bread, eggs, junk food, no breakfast, and only eating fruits and veggies between once every month and a half or every three months.
And my mental state isn't that great, as I seem to have the mentality of a 12-13 year old or something.
Oh and whenever I try to "individuate" I am stopped by my mother's criticism, leaving me more seldom and unstable and insecure than ever.
But anyway my hormones... ugh
Not doing great right now