Not anymore.
Ironically, IRL I'm actually triggered by people who have mental illnesses of many types, because I was traumatized by a very f***ed up individual who was very messed up in the head and had a lot of issues. I would call them "high functioning crazy" because they were extremely intelligent, extremely good at hiding their f***ed-up-ness, and had no problems talking themselves out of psychiatric institutions whenever they would be forced into them. They also hated getting treatment, taking medications, or being stuck in psychiatric hospitals - viewed it as "worse than hell" and did anything necessary to avoid going back into the loony bin. They had diagnoses, but I would consider them void in that this person lies constantly and only got diagnoses in the process of lying, to get out of the psych ward as fast as possible.
For a time, while I was in psychosis caused by their continuous trauma over the course of years, I basically viewed them as a literal demon or supernatural evil entity. I'm not even religious, really. It was just the psychosis talking. I'm back to viewing them simply as someone who needs to be locked away for the safety of the public.
My father (haven't spoken with him in like 10 years and I hate his guts - would never call him a "loved one") was a bipolar alcoholic, and just in general a total wacko, but still nothing compared to my insane and abusive ex.
I don't mind interacting with mentally ill people online though