Absolutely yes, that way your less likely to be floundering for something to say, there's always a safe conversational fallback. Also, email and SMS is invaluable in getting to know if your of a similar mind to people, without exposing yourself to awkwardness. Well, we all know this seeing as we're on a forum but still.
A big thing that's really helped me: you don't need to pretend to be confident if your not feeling it. A lot of people say confidence is a positive trait so for years I pretended to be this really really confident and aloof person to mask my insecurity... I found it hard to get close to people as they felt me to be arrogant, which is bloody unattractive, a big big turn off. I found they were far more likely to respond positively to me when I started really being myself, in fact people can find a bit of shyness or uncertainty endearing as its authentic.
"all men can see these tactics whereby I conquer; yet none can see the strategy by which victory is evolved"...