AquaineBay wrote:
At the moment we have one rouge and 3 mages. I wonder if everybody is going to pick mage or have magical abilities? If we were to go on an adventure we would be some squishy people. One cyclops swing and we're out!
Not with me in team. I was with a squishy archer in team once, fighting a boss dealing 90%HP hits with one hit to any of us. But we managed to kill it, with my healing. It was really stressful but manageable. My healing abilities were not a joke even though I preferred my battle skills. I focused on building "- casting time" equipment to be able to act fast in any situation and I had enough magical power to heal full a squishie using one spell so dangerously low HP wasn't as scary.
And I was also used to soloying bosses - I had a spell "heal continously for 9secs after getting a hit" that was healing about 30% hp each sec so I could tank bosses dealing less than 60% hp dmg/sec to me, with a repeated combination of "heal, hit, heal, hit, heal, dot heal, heal, hit...".
BTW. I wonder if the preference for mage/rouge has something to do with sensory issues and not wanting to deal with the oponent bodily fluids in close combat situations?