If I can't find velcro shoes, I just leave the laces loose enough for a slip-on unless I'm going hiking on extreme terrain, where I wouldn't trust an elastic lace.
When I was young, I'd choose my jobs so as to have one paycheck in my hand, and another in my head, until I knew so many trades that I was forgetting some, and needed the practice of specialization.
My best hacks are using a checklist and writing memos. I sleep much better before a day trip for supplies if I use a list of all I should take and to check the oil, etc. I have another list of every food I buy, with space to tick off if I need it. The high-volume items have a separate price comparison section.
I see my counsellor monthly, and make a list of questions for her as they occur to me instead of mulling them over to at least refresh the memory every day.
I keep my things close to where I use them instead of with similar items, and adapt furniture to suit my space.
I ignore Television, Facebook, video games and Twitter.
I try to avoid deadlines, and even estimates, instead just enjoying the process and being happy with the improvements more time can produce.
I eat healthy food and usually get enough exercise. I'm learning to stretch, too. Life's irritants are far easier to tolerate if I have had plenty of sleep, and that is the product of all of the above.