Joe Biden’s Presidential aspirations and the reckoning

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25 Nov 2017, 10:58 am

Joe Biden has not ruled out a run in 2020. He has talked about how he would have won in 2016 if not for his the death of his son. The right wing social media with have been abuzz the last few days about “Creepy Uncle Joe” with YouTube videos trying to prove he has been too touchy-feely with girls in public appearances. At first, it seems like a blatent smear to get the potential candidate who could arguably threaten Trump the most never to run. Biden is the most working class sounding potential candidate and allegations of perversion against him would neutralize the Trump is a perv arguments to a degree. But some media on the left are now and when he was vice present have taken notice.

Dear Lord Would Joe Biden Be a Terrible Candidate for These Times - Daily Beast

Over the last few days, former Vice President Biden has made the rounds promoting his new book with talk show hosts who pretend to have read his new book. During these breezy little chats, Biden has teased that he hasn’t ruled out running in 2020. On behalf of all left-leaning people who also care deeply about our current national conversation about harassment and consent: Please, Joe. Please. Not now. Now is extremely not the time.

While Joe Biden has been jokingly depicted as a kooky uncle or Obama’s wacky sidekick or Leslie Knope’s grin-flashing celebrity crush, he’s also got a troubling history of acting weird in public around women who don’t seem entirely on board. This isn’t just based on whispers or rumors; there are so many photos and clips of Biden looming over, or massaging, or gently nuzzling, or whispering to, or kissing women and girls who don’t seem all that into it

Recently, there’s been a groundswell from the left and center-left about how Democrats must reckon with their complicity in Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of the women who accused him of sexual misconduct

In order to retain any moral authority on the issue of sexual abuse and harassment, Democrats must decide that sexual abuse and harassment is wrong no matter who does it. Only then will they be nominally, morally, better than the Roy Moore acolytes who compare molesting a 14-year-old girl to stealing a lawn mower.

Joe Biden’s off-putting caresses and whispers are by no means the same thing as what Bill Clinton allegedly did to Juanita Broaderick, or what the Clinton camp did to Monica Lewinsky. But the #MeToo moment, the post-Weinstein moment, whatever you want to call it, isn’t about only sexual assault; it’s about women standing up and saying that when men do things to them non-consensually, women don’t like it. It hurts us. It should stop. As long as Democrats want to be taken seriously when they take a stand against Republicans who commit sexual misconduct, they have to demonstrate that they are equally uncomfortable or outraged when Democrats do it.

America Shouldn't Tolerate 'Biden Being Biden' - Time Magazine 2015
men in positions of power behaving inappropriately. A handsy boss, who has no filter and no fear of offending, is a staple of old movies and shows like Mad Men. For much of history people just looked the other way. These men were too powerful, to criticize them was to cross them, and to cross them might mean a lot of trouble for the whistleblower. Your career might be lost, your family ostracized.

What then can be said of people, today, looking the other way as the vice president of the United States paws woman after woman in public, with cameras flashing and their husband or parent three feet away? We’d love to imagine that the husband or father would step in, remove Joe Biden’s hands from his wife or daughter, and give him a hard, warning look. The truth is, Biden’s harassment often comes at the swearing-in events of the husband or parent. These men, reaching the pinnacle of their career, stand on a stage or at a podium with their supportive families at their side. The vice president’s attendance is itself a showing of respect and a recognition of their success. It is not the time for anyone to make a scene.

His defenders claim he’s from a different era, the equivalent of the kissing host on Family Feud. Except this isn’t the 1970s and these women aren’t on a game show. Others find the humor in sexual harassment in a way they likely wouldn’t if Joe Biden didn’t have a (D) after his name. NBC’s Capitol Hill Correspondent Kelly O’Donnell joshed Biden was “multi-tasking” when he had his arm wrapped around a teenager while swearing in her mother, Senator Joni Ernst. Biden also told the teen “I hope mom has a big fence around your house.” Today co-host Matt Lauer wise-cracked that this was Biden’s way of “welcoming” the families of the new Senate class. Even PBS found “Biden being Biden” just so adorable.

Joe Biden, We Need to Talk About the Way You Touch Women - Gawker 2015

If the election were being held now this would be a major problem for him but by 2020 people might be tired of the reckoning or there might be a backlash against it so it might work for him as people would see him as victim of political correctness and a smear campaign. Even now there is a difference in how entertainers caught and excused are being treated compared with politicians. The entertainers are being fired or forced to resign. For politicians there still is a lot of the ends justify the means zero sum game thinking. Better our pedophile/pervert wins then the other side.

As said in the Time Magazine article that type of touching and kissing not unusual for people in that age group. My relatives and friends of the family male and female touched and kissed me like that all the time when I was a kid. It was very uncomfortable but it was my touch sensitivities. I thought then as I do now it was loving, not sexual. My first inclination and still what I still feel is that Biden’s behaviors is being naive for these times. A real pedo would usually try and hide it, not demonstrate their pedophilia with TV cameras running and the kids parents right there. That said being so touchy-feely with non relatives and kids who are strangers was never normal as far a I can remember.

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26 Nov 2017, 7:33 am

Biden would be a good choice for the Dem party, he has a lot more integrity than Obama and Hillary do.


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26 Nov 2017, 4:18 pm

Obama has quite a bit of integrity. Hillary does not.

Biden has the "common touch," but in a good way.

Not in a bad way, like Trump, who appeals to all our prejudices, and none of our virtues.

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27 Nov 2017, 10:00 am

Before Joe Biden, the Dem party did not openly support gay marriage. They had to scramble after he supported it in an interview and were forced to take a stance. That's integrity - not being afraid to openly support something because it's politically divisive. I was really disappointed in the stances Obama took on transparency, whistle blowers and marijuana (especially given his history with pot). I know he tried to make up for it in the last year of his presidency but too little too late IMO.


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30 Nov 2017, 8:03 pm

The Internet will have a field day if Biden runs.


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27 Mar 2019, 6:22 pm

Former VP Joe Biden criticizes ‘white man’s culture,’ expresses 'regret' over Anita Hill hearing

Former Vice President Joe Biden condemned “a white man’s culture” as he lashed out at violence against women and, more specifically, lamented his role in the Supreme Court confirmation hearings that undermined Anita Hill’s credibility nearly three decades ago.

Biden, a Democratic presidential prospect who often highlights his white working-class roots, said Hill, who is black, should not have been forced to face a panel of “a bunch of white guys” about her sexual harassment allegations against Clarence Thomas.

“To this day I regret I couldn’t come up with a way to give her the kind of hearing she deserved,” he said Tuesday night, echoing comments he delivered last fall as the nation debated sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh amid his Supreme Court confirmation hearing. “I wish I could have done something.”

Biden’s role in the 1991 Thomas confirmation hearings is among his many political challenges as he considers making a 2020 bid for the presidency. Should he run, he would be among a handful of white men in a Democratic presidential field that features several women and minorities.

His comments about Hill drew swift condemnation on social media, with many noting he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time of the hearing.

It literally does not matter what else Biden says about sexual assault if he cannot acknowledge his own culpability in putting a sexual assaulter on the Supreme Court and then pretending for years like he was powerless to stop it,” tweeted Jessica Morales Rocketto, a former aide to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign who now serves as the political director for the National Domestic Workers Alliance.

Actress and political activist Mia Farrow called Biden’s role in the 1991 hearings “shameful.”

“Love you Joe but you were in a position to do better – and you didn’t,” she said.

Biden, 76, delivered the remarks at a New York City event honoring young people who helped combat sexual assault on college campuses. The event, held at a venue called the Russian Tea Room, was hosted by the Biden Foundation and the nonprofit group It’s on Us, which Biden founded with former President Barack Obama in 2014.

Biden called on Americans to “change the culture” that dates back centuries and allows pervasive violence against women. “It’s an English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change,” he said.

he former vice president also repeatedly denounced violence against women during his remarks, which spanned more than a half-hour. It’s a topic he knows well. As a senator from Delaware, he introduced the Violence Against Women Act in 1990.

“No man has a right to lay a hand on a woman, no matter what she’s wearing, she does, who she is, unless it’s in self-defense. Never,” he said Tuesday.

He then shared a conversation he had with a member of a college fraternity.

“If you see a brother taking an inebriated co-ed up the stairs at a fraternity house and you don’t go and stop it, you’re a damn coward,” Biden said. “You don’t deserve to be called a man.”

His statement that misogyny is a "white culture" issue is a racist statement and plain wrong. Every race and most cultures have had a misogyny problem.

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27 Mar 2019, 6:26 pm

He's taken the PC line----lock, stock, and barrel.

I believe he's really trying to hard to be a candidate for the Presidency......


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27 Mar 2019, 7:13 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
He's taken the PC line----lock, stock, and barrel.

I believe he's really trying to hard to be a candidate for the Presidency......

I don't think he really believes the "white culture" stuff, I think he really believes the party has moved so far left he has to pander to the SJW and probably the socalist element also. I would not be surprised if he endorsed the Green New Deal. He is a scared man who knows a lot of stuff he said and did that was mainstream at the time is unacceptable now and who is flailing to stay relevent.

I think a "moderate" can win the nomination against the left wing divided up between most other candidates.

For better or worse probably most of things like free speech and expression as we knew it, and a binary view of gender as we knew it etc will be gone once we die off. But I don't think this will be true next year. Older voters are still here and have historically have voted more often than younger people.

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29 Mar 2019, 7:23 pm

An Awkward Kiss Changed How I Saw Joe Biden

... Just before the speeches, we were ushered to the side of the stage where we were lined up by order of introduction. As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?

I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual f**k? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. ... biden.html

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02 Apr 2019, 9:08 pm

He's always been a creep, but of course the Democrats didn't care because he was on their side.


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02 Apr 2019, 10:06 pm

Darmok wrote:
The Internet will have a field day if Biden runs.

Will? 8O

Darmok wrote:
He's always been a creep, but of course the Democrats didn't care because he was on their side.

My best guess is he isn't a creep...
He is simply out of touch with the new PC paradigm...<shrug>

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03 Apr 2019, 3:02 am

Its gonna be so fun to watch the cult of liberalism implode on itself. They'll be too busy hating Trump to notice.

Did any of you guys watch Blake's 7 back in the day? Its gonna be like when Servalan gave the command to launch the Liberator after finally at long last taking control of it(after Blake and his 7 abandoned the contaminated ship). Then it started disintegrating and eventually blew up. Hopefully no one from the cult of liberalism will survive as she did (by running to the teleporter room and beaming off leaving the pilot to die). The leaving the pilot to die part is a common occurrence in the cult liberalism.


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03 Apr 2019, 3:17 am

Heat88 wrote:
Its gonna be so fun to watch the cult of liberalism implode on itself. They'll be too busy hating Trump to notice.

Did any of you guys watch Blake's 7 back in the day? Its gonna be like when Servalan gave the command to launch the Liberator after finally at long last taking control of it(after Blake and his 7 abandoned the contaminated ship). Then it started disintegrating and eventually blew up. Hopefully no one from the cult of liberalism will survive as she did (by running to the teleporter room and beaming off leaving the pilot to die). The leaving the pilot to die part is a common occurrence in the cult liberalism.

Out of curiousity, is the "88" in your username at all related to the code used to signify the two H's of "Heil Hitler"? ... mbers.html

Or is it just a coincidence you chose that number?


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03 Apr 2019, 4:42 am

karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Heat88 wrote:
Its gonna be so fun to watch the cult of liberalism implode on itself. They'll be too busy hating Trump to notice.

Did any of you guys watch Blake's 7 back in the day? Its gonna be like when Servalan gave the command to launch the Liberator after finally at long last taking control of it(after Blake and his 7 abandoned the contaminated ship). Then it started disintegrating and eventually blew up. Hopefully no one from the cult of liberalism will survive as she did (by running to the teleporter room and beaming off leaving the pilot to die). The leaving the pilot to die part is a common occurrence in the cult liberalism.

Out of curiousity, is the "88" in your username at all related to the code used to signify the two H's of "Heil Hitler"? ... mbers.html

Or is it just a coincidence you chose that number?

Good spot...
But "8" is a very lucky number in the Asian community...
I'd be more concerned about the number "18"...

"Others use a similar code"?...
Its a code more appropriate for a 12-year-old... :mrgreen:


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03 Apr 2019, 6:32 am

It seems like a lot of people are basically saying: 'I don't think Biden is a creep. I think it's just that he's done creepy things like that for his entire career.' Sorry, I don't get the logic.


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03 Apr 2019, 2:37 pm

Darmok wrote:
He's always been a creep, but of course the Democrats didn't care because he was on their side.



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