I'm quite good with computers, although you'd certainly hope that to be the case considering I took IT as a subject that I'm currently still studying.
Maths I am horrendously bad at. Mental Abuse To Humans indeed. 
However, I am good at basic logic such as completing logic puzzles. Especially those slider puzzles where you have to move the pieces around the board so that they are in the correct order, and make a picture at the end. I'm quick at those, much to my older sister's annoyance since she tends to be less quick at completing them.
One time she spent half an hour trying to complete one, so in frustration she bet me that I couldn't complete the puzzle she was stuck on, so she put it back to how it was originally, and two minutes later I entered the room and showed her the completed puzzle.
She just sat there, quite shocked.
I enjoy jigsaws, and I'm fairly good at those "What comes next in this sequence of shapes?" questions, so logic regarding patterns I seem to have a skill at.
But when it comes to chess...yeah, I'm not great. Certainly a lot of room for improvement. I'm alright at find four though, one time I was playing against someone and I planned it so that towards the end of the game they would only be able to place their counter in one of the slots, and once they'd done that it was an automatic win for me as I could only go on the one above- making a diagonal line of four.
My plan worked, and they only realised that they'd been tricked when they were about to put their counter in.
"Wait, if I put my counter in, you win"
"But, I can only put my counter here, there's nowhere else left"

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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.