Should a law be passed to prevent procreation of children?

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Emu Egg
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22 Dec 2017, 5:29 pm

This may be a sticky topic to some, but due to the genetic passing of
traits which are a burdon to society , should these indivduals who have
a sex drive and relations with opposite sex, be 'fixed' like a cat
so they can indeed have sex, but not make children who will not be
developed properly.
Maybe this is a topic here already.. what are people doing to prevent this
in today's climate of saturation of these disabled folks.
Sex is promoted to all, and obviously even healthy people are having
indiscreet sex and children with mulitple partners and in the end the children
always suffer. This is MY main concern..the children who have parents who are


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22 Dec 2017, 5:54 pm

Hard to tell what you are specifically talking about. All I got is that you seem to think certain people shouldn't have children.

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22 Dec 2017, 5:59 pm

aspiemike wrote:
Hard to tell what you are specifically talking about. All I got is that you seem to think certain people shouldn't have children.

^ Same.

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22 Dec 2017, 6:03 pm

Goats wrote:
This may be a sticky topic to some, but due to the genetic passing of
traits which are a burdon to society , should these indivduals who have
a sex drive and relations with opposite sex, be 'fixed' like a cat
so they can indeed have sex, but not make children who will not be
developed properly.
Maybe this is a topic here already.. what are people doing to prevent this
in today's climate of saturation of these disabled folks.
Sex is promoted to all, and obviously even healthy people are having
indiscreet sex and children with mulitple partners and in the end the children
always suffer. This is MY main concern..the children who have parents who are

I don't really see a point in something like that. If humanity becomes it's own destruction to the world due to popping out babies left and right then so be it. It's just...something like that in my eyes is too large of a scale to really make a law against as it's more than likely not going to go well for the masses... like making a law against kissing or something. And it would have to be a law that everyone from all over the world would have to follow to prevent the overbearing of offspring which is not likely to ever be followed through....

All people can do is promote the idea of being against procreation and not procreate themselves with the idea that it will hopefully turn many people's minds towards that direction.

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22 Dec 2017, 7:09 pm

Well, since I've seen folks without a diagnosis, who certainly appear to be "normal," f**k their kids up royally...

And I've seen disabled people who were called freaks by all and sundry do such a good job of raising their kids that said children beat all the odds laid out for them by genetics, demographics, and the circumstances of their birth...

Maybe there should be tests and licenses to procreate, I don't know. Maybe you should have to demonstrate to a board of sane, logical individuals that you've got the sense the Lord gave a light-blinded lizard. That you'll do things like feed them and brush their teeth and not prioritize heroin over food and clothing. That you can sacrifice for them without making them think that the world revolves around them, and refrain from abusing them without bringing them up with no discipline at all, and teach them morals without teaching them to be self-righteous moralists overflowing with certitude.

Then again, anyone who would want to sit on such a board would probably be a self-righteous moralist overflowing with certitude, so...

It might be cruel, but I think I'll let natural selection handle it. It has, so far, served us better than human efforts to take control.

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22 Dec 2017, 7:35 pm

Procreation is a natural human function.

I don't believe we should interfere with it.

I have a "sex drive." I wouldn't want to be sterilized because of it. I find that concept abhorrent, frankly.


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22 Dec 2017, 9:07 pm

Eugenics scares me just as much as overpopulation & more than poverty.

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23 Dec 2017, 3:54 am

I definitely think certain people shouldn’t have children, but you don’t really have the right to stop it. Useless parents are everywhere, if there was a useful solution for it it would have been done already. It’s annoying paying tax money to people who can’t make their own living or keep their legs closed, but it’s the governments problem to sort out.


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23 Dec 2017, 4:19 am

Disabled people don't have more children on average than the general population. Therefore, if any disability gets more frequent, it's probably not mainly because disabled people reproduce too much. The current numbers of disabled people don't seem to destroy society.
Relatives of disabled people can often pass the disability on as well. So do you 'fix' them too? - might lead to a fast population decline.

Goats wrote:
This is MY main concern..the children who have parents who are

There are lots of incompetent parents around. Most of them are not disabled. You wouldn't be solving the biggest part of the problem.

Since we are on an autism forum. If you say disabled you mean autistic?
If there was such a law I'd simply not have gotten diagnosed (as I was an adult when I got diagnosed). I'll likely not have any children, but any operation can have bad side effects, plus, if they pass a law now to 'fix' autistic people, how long does it realistically take till they pass a law to shoot autistic people?


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23 Dec 2017, 4:29 am

“Fixing” people is very hitler-ish and frowned upon. Humans are not black and white. You, under no circumstance have any right to decide who should have their body parts removed based on a whim.

Really I hate that kids are born to idiots and scumbags. But mutilating a strangers body based on what you think you know is a violation of human rights. The fact baby boys get circumcised should be made illegal unless for medical purposes as well.

If someone keeps having kids and abusing them then yes, I think that’s a valid legal argument for sterilisation. It’s a very sensitive and contriversial topic. I really don’t know what to say. I agree in some cases and I don’t.


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23 Dec 2017, 5:51 am

I'm strongly against that idea. I find it very backwards and very 1930s. I'm also very frightened and put off by eugenics. I strongly dislike the idea of people playing God and I think it should be up to the individual whether or not they wish to have children. I'm also glad that there are disabled babies that are being born into this world instead of being aborted.

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23 Dec 2017, 5:57 am

Also, what colour Swastika do you want? They make them in all colours these days.

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23 Dec 2017, 10:06 am

Who gets to decide what is a bad trait to pass down, and therefor engineer the human race. I don't trust anyone to do that, even myself.

^warning,this is a rhetorical question :D


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23 Dec 2017, 3:47 pm

I think everyone should be fixed or on some kind of birth control until they decide they are ready to have kids. Lots of people are having kids who are not ready for them including girls in high-skewl & women & girls who abandon their babies. I do think the earth is extremely overpopulated but I'm NOT against anyone having kids if they feel they are ready for them & feel they can take care of & provide for them. This said... I'm against forcing only disabled people not to have kids. It crosses the line into discrimination & eugenics.

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23 Dec 2017, 4:05 pm

nick007 wrote:
I think everyone should be fixed or on some kind of birth control until they decide they are ready to have kids. Lots of people are having kids who are not ready for them including girls in high-skewl & women & girls who abandon their babies. I do think the earth is extremely overpopulated but I'm NOT against anyone having kids if they feel they are ready for them & feel they can take care of & provide for them. This said... I'm against forcing only disabled people not to have kids. It crosses the line into discrimination & eugenics.

Sterilization or fixed is generally irreversible and can have bad side effects.
Birth control isn’t 100%.

I think op doesn’t like austistic people ie us.

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23 Dec 2017, 5:51 pm

I think it's time we take OP to the vet to get him neutered. That'll help calm him down.