My parents, and most extended family members, constantly got angry at me and criticized me for this too. Specially for having the "wrong" feelings in whatever situation, like complaining about certain foods or too much homework. One time, when I said "You're hurting my feelings," they said: "What feelings? You're a child!" (I was 8 or 9 at the time.) I had therapy when a few year later, from a shrink who was all about "feelings" ; yet she always took my parents' side, which effectively made her "the enemy".
So, my life became a battleground with all adults: they wanted to limit my life's pleasures (to keep me from getting spoiled, or something ), while I wanted to extract as much joy from life as possible. I "learned" this from a conversation I had with my parents. They once took me to a zoo on Saturday (as a reward for making the honor roll), and I also wanted to see a free car show on Sunday, where I could even go alone by city bus. They said no. Their explanation was: "You already had enough entertainment." Teachers also gave a lot of homework, which I "knew" was meant to make my life harder: by taking up my personal time, and by getting me in trouble at home if I did poorly on it.
This led me to believe that adults experience only two real feelings: joy/happiness and anger. All other feelings are fake: they're simply a product of meticulously fabricated body language and facial expressions, designed to show a specific feeling. While I later learned this was (mostly) untrue, I still have trouble understanding romantic feelings because of this, and want nothing to do with relationships for the rest of my life.