Ashariel wrote:
In all seriousness, I hate when I offend people. Waking up to a mile-long list of angry replies is basically my worst nightmare. I do feel for you, on that count, because it's awful to feel rejected by so many people.
But at some point, you have to look at your own behavior, and try to pinpoint what's causing the rejection. I would recommend trying to show a bit more respect for other people's feelings, instead of telling them to put on their 'big kid pants', and calling them 'self entitled children' for having an opinion different from yours.
This is the Haven, and I hope that comes across as constructive advice, rather than 'misandry'. We all make mistakes, and offend people from time to time, but the important thing is to learn from it, and try to do better in the future.
This works very well for me. Despite the fact that they are out of line, they are not always wrong. All the problems we have in society now are because everyone expects everyone else to "line" up and some well intentioned people just can't do that. This is the new age of social media and overcrowding. We really need to try harder to just get along.