Why are people offended by everything?

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28 Dec 2017, 4:06 pm

Last night I saw a post on Facebook saying that breast cancer charities that use shirt like "Save the Boobies" or "Save Second Base" need to be shut down because it was misogynistic. I left a comment asking if it really mattered since the charity was literally saving women's lives. Shouldn't that be enough? I woke up with a reply list a mile long calling me a misogynist a mansplainer and a dozen other names I won't repeat here. Why are people so determined to be offended that they would rather leave cancer patients without treatment than put on their big kid pants and deal with it?


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28 Dec 2017, 4:48 pm

I find people are quite easily offended. Ive pissed off people here by doing nothing wrong. I think the names for that cancer charity should just change the name if it offends people though.


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28 Dec 2017, 5:02 pm

Why? Their purpose is to earn money to literally save people's lives. If it was just raising awareness then I would agree but this money is going to research a cure and give people treatment that could keep them from dying. Since that's the case it makes sense that they would cast as wide a net as possible. Doing this they manage to get money from people who like to laugh and wear funny shirts and not just the super serious crowd.


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28 Dec 2017, 5:05 pm

I don't think 'everyone' finds that offensive...I certainly don't.

Also, you were on facebook, some people seek out stuff they don't like on there just to complain about it, so do keep in mind the reaction you get in facebook comments may not be the same as IRL.

Maybe those people should ask breast cancer patients how they feel about it, how do they know a woman with breast cancer isn't the one who came up with it?

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28 Dec 2017, 5:06 pm

I'm told the reasoning is that women's lives should be saved because they have intrinsic value, while "Save the Boobies" seems to imply that the value of a woman's life is her possession of the breasts that men like. To an extent that rings true for me.

That being said, I'm with you on the pragmatism - if it gets people to open their wallets and boost research that will eventually save lives, I don't give a flying crap monkey what their phrasing is.



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28 Dec 2017, 5:09 pm

Because some people are just over sensitive and looking for drama. Also people who find insults in anything or gets offended over something non offensive have mental issues. I have an aunt like that and she easily gets offended and creates drama with you and makes a big deal over things that are no big deal and makes something a bigger issue than it really is. I suspect she is borderline or a narcissist. My mom agrees she is a narcissist but my husband thinks she also has manic depression and my mom agrees too.

These people are mentally ill who get offended by everything. It's not normal behavior.

But since this happened online, it's hard to tell because these people could just be trolling or they are just stupid. It's hard to tell if they actually get offended by everything if you don't see them posting online often to see how they interact on forums.

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28 Dec 2017, 5:16 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Maybe those people should ask breast cancer patients how they feel about it, how do they know a woman with breast cancer isn't the one who came up with it?

The page's mod actually came in to ask (pardon the language) "How would you feel if you had rectal cancer and people wore shirts saying 'Save the as*hole'?" More than one person jumped in to say they would be eternally grateful because even if they weren't cured at least people are trying to help. They were met with a hundred vulgar variations of "Well you're a man so you just don't get it."


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28 Dec 2017, 5:31 pm

Why does it matter to you that some people are upset by things that don't upset you?

And I think it's because it's making breasts into sexual objects and making the issue about men.

And League_Girl, no one gets offended over things that aren't offensive, any more than people can have an allergic reaction over things that don't cause allergies.


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28 Dec 2017, 5:34 pm

TheAP wrote:
Why does it matter to you that some people are upset by things that don't upset you?

And I think it's because it's making breasts into sexual objects and making the issue about men.

And League_Girl, no one gets offended over things that aren't offensive, any more than people can have an allergic reaction over things that don't cause allergies.

Why does it upset them when they obviously don't have or know anybody who has cancer? It upsets me because these self entitled children want to shut down a multi million dollar charity just to spare their own feelings.

And saying no one gets offended over nonoffensive things... I mean what can I even say? Look outside and then get back to me.


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28 Dec 2017, 5:43 pm

FunkyPunky wrote:
I woke up with a reply list a mile long calling me a misogynist a mansplainer and a dozen other names I won't repeat here.

I'm sorry that happened, that must have been awful for you.


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28 Dec 2017, 6:47 pm

I think it's a social justice warrior thing. Political correctness taken to extreme levels. To me it just seems like an excuse to attack others. And by others it seems primarily directed at white males.


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28 Dec 2017, 6:53 pm

EzraS wrote:
I think it's a social justice warrior thing. Political correctness taken to extreme levels. To me it just seems like an excuse to attack others. And by others it seems primarily directed at white males.

And if you point that out you get an earful about how misandry doesn't exist and male privilege because NOBODY is allowed to be victims except them lol :P


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28 Dec 2017, 6:58 pm

Because life experiences aren't black and white. People that are easily offended to the point of being a pain in the ass have probably been abused and only know how to deal with things they don't like in an over the top manner. To add to it, saying things like save the boobies may make women who have had Masectomies feel like less of a woman. Breast cancer doesn't stop at boobs, just like my mom's ovarian cancer didn't stop at her ovaries.

They're cause is honorable but I think a lot of us in here are offended by autism speaks. Just try to ignore the radicals when they get out of hand, they need to learn how to use their heads rather than their emotions to get their points across. They're just being immature. Most people don't have a reason to study emotional intelligence like us on the spectrum.


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28 Dec 2017, 7:25 pm

In all seriousness, I hate when I offend people. Waking up to a mile-long list of angry replies is basically my worst nightmare. I do feel for you, on that count, because it's awful to feel rejected by so many people.

But at some point, you have to look at your own behavior, and try to pinpoint what's causing the rejection. I would recommend trying to show a bit more respect for other people's feelings, instead of telling them to put on their 'big kid pants', and calling them 'self entitled children' for having an opinion different from yours.

This is the Haven, and I hope that comes across as constructive advice, rather than 'misandry'. We all make mistakes, and offend people from time to time, but the important thing is to learn from it, and try to do better in the future.


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28 Dec 2017, 7:26 pm

Because being offended is a new trend and people like to be part of it.

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28 Dec 2017, 8:40 pm

Ashariel wrote:
In all seriousness, I hate when I offend people. Waking up to a mile-long list of angry replies is basically my worst nightmare. I do feel for you, on that count, because it's awful to feel rejected by so many people.

But at some point, you have to look at your own behavior, and try to pinpoint what's causing the rejection. I would recommend trying to show a bit more respect for other people's feelings, instead of telling them to put on their 'big kid pants', and calling them 'self entitled children' for having an opinion different from yours.

This is the Haven, and I hope that comes across as constructive advice, rather than 'misandry'. We all make mistakes, and offend people from time to time, but the important thing is to learn from it, and try to do better in the future.

This works very well for me. Despite the fact that they are out of line, they are not always wrong. All the problems we have in society now are because everyone expects everyone else to "line" up and some well intentioned people just can't do that. This is the new age of social media and overcrowding. We really need to try harder to just get along.