I'm sorry your mother doesn't empathize with or try to understand you. I think there are really only two options at this point. One is getting her to educate herself about aspergers, find some books written by people with aspergers about their experiences, and some about the point of view of those that work with people with aspergers, psychologists, therapists, etc. If you can't make her buy the books, buy them yourself, or find free versions of them online and download them. Stress to her the importance of her learning about it, and how you are feeling about how she is acting towards you.
The other, is both of you going to therapy, someone that works with people with aspergers. She might need to hear it from another person, that she's not going about things the right way. You can also look to some family members to tell her this.
In regards to the loudness, have you tried the kind of special noise cancelling headphones people with autism often use? It could help, it sounds like she doesn't empathize at all. If there isn't a therapist you can talk to, talk to a guidance couselor at school.