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Guys with long hair?
Yay 50%  50%  [ 61 ]
Nay 10%  10%  [ 12 ]
Couldn't care less 13%  13%  [ 16 ]
My cat's breath smells like cat food 27%  27%  [ 33 ]
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05 May 2013, 11:03 am

That would depend on the type of institution that was running it


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05 May 2013, 11:22 am

I prefer long hair over short hair.


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05 May 2013, 11:32 am

I have had long hair, short hair and lengths in between. My hair is currently short.

However, my success with women was in no way related to the length of my hair.

My success sucked when it was short.
my success sucked when it was long.


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Tufted Titmouse
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05 May 2013, 2:33 pm

I was going to say "yay" but then I saw the ralph wiggum quote and I couldn't resist! I do like it long but only if it's well maintained. No split ends or frizz lool. So maybe if you want it long you should invest in a straightened too? Hmm I also like when it's been a while for men and you haven't cut it and it's to your ears or neck , then it's all messy and rugged :P

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05 May 2013, 5:41 pm

The two guys I dated, including my current BF, have long hair. BF's hair is shorter but nearly reaches his shoulders at this point.

I don't mind long hair, in fact I like it more than short hair, as long as it's kept clean.

If you got a scraggly beard and unkempt long hair and a dirty looking face, I'm not particularly attracted.

But nice, clean, long hair, especially when put in a pony tail, I love.


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08 May 2013, 1:42 am

Three Cheers for long hair!

I came of age in the 70s when EVERYBODY had long hair, and I love it. I'll be SO glad when the skinhead look goes out of style. If I'm getting frisky with a man, I want to run my fingers through his hair, not over his skull. BUT! It has to be CLEAN and well-groomed. If it looks like you just untangled it from a weed-eater, you need to run a comb through it.

I like hair on my guys in most other places too. I LOVE facial hair -- goatees make me crazy with lust, and beards and mustaches are hot as long as they are kept neat and clean. And any guy who shaves his chest or -- worse yet -- his...ahem...."privates" better not even THINK of getting anywhere with me.

I don't mind naturally balding heads though -- my first boyfriend (4 years worth) lost his hair at an early age. At 23 he was nearly bald, and I had no problem with it.


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08 May 2013, 1:48 am

I've never been out with a man with long hair and think it signifies a certain level of vanity/straining to convey an image on the part of the male

I can't abide male pony tails either

I like crew cuts and standard length hair on a man


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10 May 2013, 7:43 pm

This whole long hair short hair thing irritates me. I personally like my hair long and have done for many years. I've had it cut quite substantially in the last year and it's just over half the length it used to be which kinda irritates me as I want it back. But for some reason most girls in my area who I share some form of interest in are into guys with that stupid I can't make my mind up hair length, and then styled in such a way that it makes them look like some kind of dyke.

That's me on the left. Was taken last week for reference. My hair looks slightly shorter than it actually is, also for note it was taken at a death metal gig so it's so much more messier than it otherwise would be. ... 2881_n.jpg


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10 May 2013, 10:56 pm

How do you like my hair? ... ml?filters[media_type]=image&sort=3&o=0


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10 May 2013, 11:44 pm

I usually like shorter hair on guys because most guys with long hair don't take care of it. If guys take care of their long hair, it can look very attractive on some.


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11 May 2013, 4:43 am

Seriously depends on the guy. I think the more "attitude" the guy exudes, the better he looks with long hair. *Shrug*

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12 May 2013, 11:05 pm

I love long hair on guys. In fact, I probably wouldn't date a guy with super short hair. I guess I'm kind of particular about it.


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14 May 2013, 12:07 am

It depends on the guy. Some look great with it, others do not. DH has had long hair before, went like 3 or 4 years without cutting it then cut it off because he went a few days just pulling it back and not brushing it and it tangled so bad it was impossible to brush. He has very, very curly and frizzy hair. Kind of like a "Jewfro". Right now it's long again. It's been about 2 years since he cut it and he decided to let it grow because his mother wouldn't shut up about telling him to get a hair cut. Real mature, huh?

I used to like it on him but I don't now. Before when he had it long he still had hair on top and it looked good, now he looks like David Crosby, plus because it's so curly when he puts it in a pony tail its just a big huge ball of hair in the back of his head. It's the same size as his head too. I used to braid it for him but he doesn't want it braided now. He's getting it cut this fall on his 50th birthday. He said I can get the clippers and buzz cut him.

I dated a guy once with really, really long hair. Waist length hair. Mindsigh knows the guy. He cut it a few years back, really short, then grew it back out so it's long again now. It's about in the middle of his back now though, not as long.

Adrian Paul looks much better with long hair. There can be only one! ;-)

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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14 May 2013, 2:46 pm

I find long hair INCREDIBLY attractive. Especially if it's wavy or curly like my boyfriend's. To me that says they're secure enough with their gender identity and sexuality to do something not the norm for men. It's also downright beautiful, not to mention fun to cornrow if they guy will let you. :) I'll take a cute toned guy with flowing, wavy hair a lá Brave over a "perfect" pretty boy with bulging muscles and a crew cut ANY day. I also go WILD for a Jewfro, which is what my boyfriend's was like before he let it get so long he can ponytail it. :) It was what the first guy I ever loved had too; before him I liked skinny emo boys. Now I like toned guys with Jewfros.

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15 May 2013, 2:55 am

To hell with heterocentricism. I voted.
Usually, but it varies. Everyone's an individual. Some people seem to have it clash a bit with them, but again, I notice that sometimes and like it. It shows a bit of independence or confidence.

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15 May 2013, 5:23 am

So we have been fooled all this time?