What do you think about transrace and transabled?

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06 Mar 2018, 2:29 pm

What do you think about people who consider themselves transrace or transabled? People who think they're actually a different race or people who think they're supposed to have one leg, be blind or be in a wheelchair.


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15 Mar 2018, 11:35 pm

I didn't know transrace was really a thing...like there are more than a few people who are transracial?

I suspect that transableism is largely just another sickness of civilization. If these people had to rely for survival on the physical faculties they want to destroy, they probably wouldn't be so keen on destroying them. The conveniences of civilization make living with major functional impairments relatively easy.

Possibly some of them, the ones who want to destroy their senses, suffer from some kind of hypersensitivity. I've seen a WP member say that he wanted to be deaf because, if I recall correctly, his hearing was so keen. Then again, he probably wouldn't be suffering to that extent if he didn't live in industrialized civilization (which tends to be louder than natural environments).


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17 Mar 2018, 9:05 pm

I think transracial probably is rooted in a certain amount of identity complications. As a white person, who feels connected a little with black culture sometimes because of friends I've had and art/entertainment that I enjoy I have had times where I've wished I could be more of an insider but I can't quite imagine what a transracial identity would feel like. Throughout history though there have been people of color that "passed" and lived their lives as white people. If they found themselves connected to this identity then I could see that being genuine and fine. I don't tend to notice race as much myself so I have no reason to oppose them living life sharing an identity of skin color similarity to me.

As for transabled... I didn't know that was a thing... If someone could do it and still be as productive in the world generating their own resources to support the changes in their lifestyle then I don't see any reason they shouldn't be able to live however they want to.

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27 Mar 2018, 8:36 am

theyŕe both just genuinely stupid.

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28 Mar 2018, 1:05 am

I think their problems are very valid too and their feelings.

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28 Mar 2018, 4:20 am

Transabled almost seems like a Reverse Phantom Limb situation. Some people have had successes in finding techniques to treat Phantom Limb so I wonder if something similar could be applied here. One method was to simply use a mirror while the patient moved their real hand and Phantom hand in the same motion, but looking in the mirror so they could imagine seeing their Phantom hand. Somehow this help the brain to process that limb as being an illusion and helped to resolve it.

I also wonder if a person who 'succeeds' in losing a limb would accept similar treatment options or a replacement including modern cutting edge Bionics? If that is the case, could a therapeutic approach be to wear a fake fake limb? Or could they have sessions in Virtual Reality where their avatar is missing that limb?

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28 Mar 2018, 5:27 am

I think transableism is a mental health condition like depression or possibly like self harming,it can severely affect an individuals wellbeing but on the whole people lack empathy for. Give how rare it is i have heard nothing on its treatment.

http://wp.stu.ca/narrativestudies/resea ... nsableism/


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29 Mar 2018, 4:49 am

I also wonder if the woman who blinded herself could have tried to role play a bit with the idea of having her Human Eyes replaced with Bionic Eyes, but in reality just wearing Contact Lenses. I think the Lenses should be heavily tinted to make the world look off color to help role play the concept of having Bionic Eyes.

The strange thing is we really are heading in a direction where damaged or missing limbs will be replaced in someway. Is the Transabled condition such that they would insist they have to use a can or wheel chair or would they accept bionic Legs and Arms? If the latter is the case, maybe the body part in question could be Cosmetically Cyberized to experience this and skip the painful step of radical self amputations or throwing bleach into their own eyes?


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18 Apr 2018, 7:30 pm

I don't know what's wrong with being transracial, race is a social construct after all, like gender is, so if we transgender people exist, I think it's possible to be transracial too, but anyway, I've seen a lot of POC activists criticizing Rachel Dolezal for this, so as a white person I don't think it's really my place to argue with POC people about race.

About being "transdisabled"... well... that's ableist as f**k. Disability isn't a social construct, you can't just identify as disabled if you don't have any disability. If you want to become disabled it's as easy as cutting your own leg off or throwing acid to your eyes, but if someone is willing to do that just to be part of the community... maybe they already have a severe mental disability.


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19 Apr 2018, 10:57 am

Stupid. Absolutely stupid.

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Sgt. Sand
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10 Jun 2018, 6:03 pm

"Transracial" is also an important word used by adoptees and the adoption community at large. I've heard it used in that context most of my life. Not so much this other meaning you folks are discussing here.

Below is a quote from the wiki:

"The term "transracial" has historically been used in the adoption community to describe parents who adopt a child of a different race. Members of the transracial adoption community assert that the term "transracial" has a specific historical meaning related to such adoptions, and argue that the term is being "appropriated and co-opted" in a manner that harms the transracial adoption community. In June 2015, about two dozen transracial adoptees, transracial parents and academics published an open letter that condemned the use of the term "transracial" to describe white women assuming cultural markers to identify as black, calling such use "erroneous, ahistorical, and dangerous."


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11 Jun 2018, 8:45 am

NewTime wrote:
What do you think about people who consider themselves transrace or transabled? People who think they're actually a different race or people who think they're supposed to have one leg, be blind or be in a wheelchair.

I think that they are either deliberately lying or involuntarily deluded. Either way, not worth my time.



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11 Jun 2018, 6:13 pm

Sgt. Sand wrote:
"Transracial" is also an important word used by adoptees and the adoption community at large. I've heard it used in that context most of my life. Not so much this other meaning you folks are discussing here.

Below is a quote from the wiki:

"The term "transracial" has historically been used in the adoption community to describe parents who adopt a child of a different race. Members of the transracial adoption community assert that the term "transracial" has a specific historical meaning related to such adoptions, and argue that the term is being "appropriated and co-opted" in a manner that harms the transracial adoption community. In June 2015, about two dozen transracial adoptees, transracial parents and academics published an open letter that condemned the use of the term "transracial" to describe white women assuming cultural markers to identify as black, calling such use "erroneous, ahistorical, and dangerous."

Yeah, this is me.

Adoptee from a different country. Parents are white, bio mom's hispanic, bio dad's no idea. I pass as white and my family is white. Technically, I'm hispanic (I think, but even there it could only be on my bio mom's side) - but I've never had to face any of the societal hardships and discrimination that can come from being hispanic.


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11 Jun 2018, 6:33 pm

Fnord wrote:
NewTime wrote:
What do you think about people who consider themselves  transrace  or transabled? People who think they're actually a different race or people who think they're supposed to have one leg, be blind or be in a wheelchair.

I think that they are either deliberately lying or involuntarily deluded. Either way, not worth my time.



Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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11 Jun 2018, 7:03 pm

It's a strawman. I grew up around the trans community, I've been participating in the queer community for 10 years and nobody actually talks about "transrace" and "transabled". It's fake controversy stirred up by "anti-SJW" pundits to make actual transgender people look ridiculous. No different from 10 years ago when right-wing pastors and pundits would say that gay marriage was a slippery slope to marrying your dog or your sister.

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13 Jul 2018, 11:10 am

Good day.
This is probably the only more or less actual topic I have stumbled on in my research, and I feel a need to present my opinion.
I most likely have Aspergers and some other conditions, I am a transgender (ftm), and "transabled" - despite the fact that this term still feels ridiculous to me.
It seems that people are angered that this condition is being compared to being transgender, but as someone who's experiencing the both I have to say, it is quite simillar.
I wish my left hand to be gone, and the fact it i there is causes me great discomfort, in a simillar - if not more severe in my case - way as I wish to get rid of my other parts.
It's not to seek attention from people around me or to get payed for it.
It's something that's deep within and is getting worse in time. I'm not using my hand anymore, and it feels like a piece of dead meat that is not supposed to be there, I want the feeling and the limb to just disappear.

I read a question in this thread if it wouldn't be enough to just wear a fake prosthetic.
I don't know how it is for the others, but it's certainly not enough for me, for the reason I mentioned - it's not about recognition from the others, it's about getting rid of the damn thing :v

I remember I used to pretend and to try to harm my hand even as a kid, and had been writing stories and drawing pictures with a self-insert - an one handed guy despite being nor one-handed, nor a guy..
I have grown up, and started to present as a male with no doubts about who I am - but getting rid of my limb is still a set point in my future towards which I'm advancing to, and hopefully one day it will become a reality.

I hope this insight helps a little.
