tinitus woes, can you advise me please?

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09 Mar 2018, 2:52 pm

I've had this for weeks now and would like some advice.  I've always had problems with my ears (white noise) since I was 7yrs but only recently has this got worse.  I have exzema in my ears which produce far too much wax. I blame myself for these problems because every time they itched I scratched them and used cotton buds.  

​I had my ears shringed last Christmas because they completely blocked up, after that I used Earol spray from boots one evening and oil drops with a dropper the following evening.  

​Occasionally my left ear rang but now very often, but now my right ear is constantly making a high pitched noise which I find hard to bear.  I went to SpectSavers and they put a camera in my ear, they said one ear was full of wax (despite using the Earol).while there was some yellow residue in my left, they wern't sure if it was a infection or residue from olive oil left over.    

I have made an appointment with my Dr but I have to wait weeks because the receptionists wouldn't make it any earlier.  One evening while watching TV, I could hear it above the sound, so I went to the walk in surgery.and on examination said the back of my ear on the left looked red and swollen.  I've been given a spray with steroid in, and have since got one for my ringing right ear.  I use it three times a day.

I'm fed up because it's not too bad during the day, it's when I try and relax during the evening it seems to get worse.  Also my ear itches which I daren't touch in case it makes it worse.  My left ear is behaving itself since using the spray, it's just my problematic right ear now.  

​I wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't of scratched, or used cotton buds, so I blame myself that I've cause e-reversable damage to my hearing,  I'm hoping this will go back to white noise but it's highly unlikely.  I used to love meditation, but that's been taken away now.

​Can you advise me please?


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10 Mar 2018, 2:43 am

I have bad tinnitus. Loud ringing in both ears. But I don't notice it most of the time because I habituated. Even when I do notice it like now, because I am writing about it, it doesn't bother me and I will go back to not noticing it once I get distracted. You should look up "tinnitus habituation" to find out information about it.


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10 Mar 2018, 2:51 am

hello! i also have chronic tinnitus. i have had it for at LEAST 11 years. more than likely more. definately more than half my life. i also seem to have progressive tinnitus which means it gets worse and worse overtime.

Tinnitus is usually caused by hearing loss so you made a good call seeing your doctor.

as for advice, hmm

you see i also have a doctors appointment for my tinnitus, this upcoming wednesday. i made the appointment because all my techniques stopped working and i can basically hear ringing 24/7 now as apposed to just silence.

i suppose just try your best to distract yourself anyway you can. listen to music and stay out of silent areas.

i feel your pain. im dreading my hearing test because im afraid of being diagnosed with Idiopathic Tinnitius, which means there is no known cause therefor no treatment :( i hate the thought that i can never enjoy silence AND i also have a sensitivity to hearing, so 'cluttered' noise causes a sensory overload.

good luck!

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10 Mar 2018, 2:56 am

My tinnitus is my constant companion who sings me to sleep every night.
Try listening, not resisting.

It's like I'm sleepwalking


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10 Mar 2018, 3:57 am

Raleigh wrote:
My tinnitus is my constant companion who sings me to sleep every night.
Try listening, not resisting.

Exactly. That is what hibituation does. I don't remember all the details, but it has to do with the limbic system of the brain and the fight or flight response. Habituation is where you retrain your brain not to react to the tinnitus in a resistive way and to accept it. Once it is no longer perceived as a threat so to speak, then it stops being a problem. Trying to "cure" it just makes it worse, because it just makes you focus on it as being a problem.


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10 Mar 2018, 4:06 am

I didn't think there was a connection between Tinnitus and wax buildup.

If you want to try reducing Wax though, you could try Debrox Ear drops. It might feel really weird the first time letting the fluid in your ear, but it did seem effective when I used it.