bobaspie2015 wrote:
My brother hates me because I am gay. For as long as I can remember, I’ve known I am attracted to other guys. My one of three brothers found out many years and became extremely angry with me and has not talked to me for a sum of 20 years or so.
Should I stop being gay so he will talk with me?
It is very nice of you to be concerned with your brother's feelings regarding your sexuality. It shows that you love your bro and that you want to be on better terms with him. But the gay thing is your brother's problem and not yours.
Being gay is like being left-handed in a right handed world. It is not something that you did or that you chose. And you can not choose to be heterosexual any more than your brother can choose to be gay.
So it is all right to be gay. The only problem is that it makes you different than the normal. Some people have difficulties with people who are different. The only thing that you can do is to be the best person that you know how to be and hope that they can see that, like everyone else, you only want to be loved and to love in return.
So my advice is to ignore his problem with your sexuality, and love him in spite of it. One day he will understand what a blessing it is to have a caring, loving brother like you.