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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 20 Mar 2018
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20 Mar 2018, 2:00 am

So i am bi,male, but sometimes feel manly other times more feminine.

I feel no need to change my external appearance or male sex in the slightest. I might try eyeliner but thats it really.
When i feel manly i dont feel like my attitude towards women is very good as i have had so many bad experiences with women, rejection etc. My social anxiety has gotten the better of me and made interactions with attractive women very stunted. Ive tried asking women out but generally they look scared or not happy when i do.

When i feel feminine i feel fantastic, liberated, free. Guys are easy to talk to for me. I understand guys. Seems so much easier feeling this way.

What is this fluidity of gender i experience called? What is the nature of it?


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20 Mar 2018, 10:14 am

I would call all this being "in a certain mood." It might be you're merely a "person," and not a "man" or "woman."

I'm not as "gender-fluid" as all that. In terms of masculinity/femininity, I'm mostly on the masculine side. But I do have supposedly "feminine" interests.

Do you wake up one morning saying "I feel like a man?" Or another morning saying, "I feel more feminine today?"


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20 Mar 2018, 12:49 pm

If gender is a social construct, then gender fluidity doesn't exist either. You can feel how you like but I don't take kindly of people who turn their quirks into a show. Parading it around is just as annoying as a man bragging about how manly he is or a woman bragging about how attractive she is or a vegan whose first words in a conversation are "I am vegan."

Hell I am physically male (genetically XXY though) and I do not really care about gender. Sometimes I crossdress and I manage to do it well enough that people are convinced. But I do not like to brag about it.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 20 Mar 2018
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20 Mar 2018, 1:36 pm

Sometimes i feel like this wave of femininity goes through me. Normally i think i supress it cause i dont want to face how i feel. When i supress it i dont feel as good about anything, i feel so much lighter when i dont supress anything.

I think that gender is a social construct but used to assign whats acceptable for each sex to express and feel etc.
Like boys are taught not to cry, girls dont play with soldiers etc.

I think that beneath the social construct are mixed feelings which can be identified as typically male (eg agression) others as typically female (nurturing and expressing feelings) according to where they are socially acceptable. We have a mix of these typically male and female qualities or learn to mask some according to our assigned gender identity. Perhaps in some people these feelings are stable as either typically male or female in other people they are variable, its difficult to quantify objectively what is a personal subjective experience. Maybe one day we will be able to quantify these things objectively...

There are undeniable differences between the sexes but i would argue there are a lot of behaviours that are nurture rather than nature aka gender identity. Boys arent born wanting to play with soldiers or to hide their tears etc...i played with barbies in secret and enjoyed it...notice if you have any judgements about this...this is our social conditioning with regards to gender identities.

Aniihya, i feel like some people are expressive with their sexuality etc as a reaction against centuries of opression. I supressed my bi side for so long it was like taking the cork off a bottle that had been under pressure my whole life.
Expressing things is just a personal thing, some people are different, different horses for different courses eh.