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27 Mar 2018, 8:31 am

Gender is not real. Sex is, but gender, as defined by the american psychological association, is nothing but a social construct.hence why i believe in transexualism, but not transgenderism, gender fluidity, or the gender binary.

“Men passionately desire to live after death, but they often pass away without noticing the fact that the memory of a really good person always lives. It is impressed upon the next generation, and is transmitted again to the children. Is that not an immortality worth striving for? ”
― Pyotr Kropotkin, Memoirs of a Revolutionist

Tufted Titmouse
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28 Mar 2018, 12:45 am

Gender identity is learnt behaviour as far as i can tell, its made up of behaviour that is discouraged/encouraged as determined by sex. So someones gender identity is somethng that is taught via nurture rather than being it exists as far as being an artificial construct, i think the problem is when people behave as if these artifical constructs are natural...i do not believe these constructs encourage the natural expression of an individual and is a way society tries to fit us into easily definable boxes.

How many times have we heard be a man? Or he is camp or too feminine? ...according to a restricted model of gender that is way out of date.

Unlearning these gender identities is very hard, people supress some behaviours according to their gender identity or learn to mask it...this starts in childhood.

Is it anywonder given how deep seated these learnt gender identities are that people cannot break from them?

Hence i theorise that this is why you get gender fluidity etc its the minds way of trying to express all of its natural feelings via stifling gender identities that only allow portions of their feelings to be expressed. The mind cannot just disgard such deeply learnt behaviours. Another explanation is the feelings some people feel varies and their mind seeks to express this with changing gender hence gender fluidity.

Gender identity is not is a social construct that has been internalised as the unconscious rules that govern expression. You know they have been internalised when you see people tell you to act like your gender. Or when as a boy you know your not allowed to do some things like play with barbies. These days you see people fight for gender identities because they think they are natural and fail to see the thousands of ways society perpetuates them.


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01 Apr 2018, 8:05 pm

Someone has been reading some Stirner.

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01 Apr 2018, 11:15 pm

No, i studied gender a bit at uni and formed my own ideas based on my own experience of this complex subject. Having gender fluidity aspects to myself has helped me construct a useful model of gender identity and my inner world based on my own experience of it. So this is my understanding of things based on my own experience and study at uni. Study at uni is not based on parotting back ideas mindlessly but on taking ideas , examining them and forming your own oppinions on them...


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05 Apr 2018, 1:00 pm

Arkena, I was talking about OP


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05 Apr 2018, 1:06 pm

Gender and sex are the same. Trying to redefine them is simply a form of propaganda. If a man wants to live as a woman then they should but it doesn't make them a real woman, just as a brunette who dyes her hair blonde is not a real blonde.


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05 Apr 2018, 1:22 pm

einsteinmyhero wrote:
Gender is not real. Sex is, but gender, as defined by the american psychological association, is nothing but a social construct.hence why i believe in transexualism, but not transgenderism, gender fluidity, or the gender binary.

Trying to separate gender and sex is pure nonsense, without any scientific basis. Sorry. If your sex is male and you identify as female you are still male and that cannot be changed. If identify as Napoleon it doesn't mean I am. Society should not pander to delusions. If we do, why not agree with anorexic people that they are fat, or White people who identify as black? There are a very tiny number of people (about 0.1% of most populations) who have chromosomal abnormalities and are intersex. For the rest, a man in a dress is still a man. Apologies to Caitlin Jenner.


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05 Apr 2018, 1:24 pm

nephets wrote:
einsteinmyhero wrote:
Gender is not real. Sex is, but gender, as defined by the american psychological association, is nothing but a social construct.hence why i believe in transexualism, but not transgenderism, gender fluidity, or the gender binary.

Trying to separate gender and sex is pure nonsense, without any scientific basis. Sorry. If your sex is male and you identify as female you are still male and that cannot be changed. If identify as Napoleon it doesn't mean I am. Society should not pander to delusions. If we do, why not agree with anorexic people that they are fat, or White people who identify as black? There are a very tiny number of people (about 0.1% of most populations) who have chromosomal abnormalities and are intersex. For the rest, a man in a dress is still a man. Apologies to Caitlin Jenner.

If someone has anorexia then they are putting themselves at physical risk. If someone has gender dysphoria and living as the other sex makes them happy then they should. I draw the line at allowing men to compete in female sports though.

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05 Apr 2018, 2:09 pm

I think an understanding of how for example the male identity is constructed by society (parents,familly,peers) is important to understand this topic otherwise you will assume that gender identity is all in the genes which is only half the picture.

Its like saying speaking english comes from the genes when the ability to learn a language is biological (brain development...its like the hardware) while the language is entirely taught by society (this is like the software).

To differentiate between what is nature and what is nurture is very difficult today. But you can say for example that given higher levels of muscle building hormones, males tend to be more muscular all other factors being equal.

You can also say that men are taught not to cry as adults as to many males showing hurt is a sign of weakness (a generalisation but we all know those males)...such males will say things like stop being a woman, be a man, your not a real man to others.

When you appreciate all the ways society teaches what it is to be male you start to appreciate its not all in the genes. The problem in understanding this comes from a few factors.

When you are a straight male (both sex and gender are male) you are told by society this is normal,natural, etc. so your whole life you are taught that a male acting male is the only acceptable thing for a guy to be and fail to see all the social pressures to make males behave like "men".

Its only when you look into sociology or gender etc you realise society shapes someones gender identity in ways that stay invisible to the average person.

when you are not "normal" in terms of gender identity you see that what society says is "natural" doesnt match with your sense of can appreciate this on a personal level. While a straight male will only appreciate that there can be different gender identities on a theoretical level if at all.

Its difficult for someone to accept that not all males feel all that male to someone who has never felt that. All you have to do is see all the feminine acting gays to see it in action.

Given the subjective nature of gender identity and of ones feelings its difficult to prove my point empiracly.

Last edited by Arkena on 05 Apr 2018, 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Apr 2018, 2:13 pm

Arkena wrote:
I think an understanding of how for example the male identity is constructed by society (parents,familly,peers) is important to understand this topic otherwise you will assume that gender identity is all in the genes which is only half the picture.

Its like saying speaking english comes from the genes when the ability to learn a language is biological (brain development...its like the hardware) while the language is entirely taught by society (this is like the software).

To differentiate between what is nature and what is nurture is very difficult today. But you can say for example that given higher levels of muscle building hormones, males tend to be more muscular all other factors being equal.

You can also say that men are taught not to cry as adults as to many males showing hurt is a sign of weakness (a generalisation but we all know those males)...such males will say things like stop being a woman, be a man, your not a real man to others.

When you appreciate all the ways society teaches what it is to be male you start to appreciate its not all in the genes. The problem in understanding this comes from a few factors.

When you are a straight male (both sex and gender are male) you are told by society this is normal,natural, etc. so your whole life you are taught that a male acting male is the only acceptable thing for a guy to be and fail to see all the social pressures to make males behave like "men".

Its only when you look into sociology or gender etc you realise society shapes someones gender identity in ways that stay invisible to the average person.

when you are not "normal" in terms of gender identity you see that what society says is "natural" doesnt match with your sense of can appreciate this on a personal level. While a straight male will only appreciate that there can be different gender identities on a theoretical level if at all.

Its difficult for someone to accept that not all males feel all that male to someone who has never felt that. All you have to do is see all the feminine acting gays to see it in action.

Given the subjective nature of gender identity and of ones feelings its difficult to prove my point.

Gender and gender roles are not the same thing.

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05 Apr 2018, 2:19 pm

Correct...where did i say they were the same?


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05 Apr 2018, 2:21 pm

Arkena wrote:
Correct...where did i say they were the same?

You kind of implied it talking about male identity.

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05 Apr 2018, 2:24 pm

Oh apologies, i used male identity as a euphemism for male gender. My bad :)


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05 Apr 2018, 2:24 pm

nephets wrote:
einsteinmyhero wrote:
Gender is not real. Sex is, but gender, as defined by the american psychological association, is nothing but a social construct.hence why i believe in transexualism, but not transgenderism, gender fluidity, or the gender binary.

Trying to separate gender and sex is pure nonsense, without any scientific basis. Sorry. If your sex is male and you identify as female you are still male and that cannot be changed. If identify as Napoleon it doesn't mean I am. Society should not pander to delusions. If we do, why not agree with anorexic people that they are fat, or White people who identify as black? There are a very tiny number of people (about 0.1% of most populations) who have chromosomal abnormalities and are intersex. For the rest, a man in a dress is still a man. Apologies to Caitlin Jenner.

I agree to an extent. if a man wishes to pretend to be female, nobody should stop him, but I'm not going to stand logic on its head and call a man a woman, or vice versa. As to the harm caused, the suicide rate amongst those who have had a sex change (which is of course no such thing), is massive.


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05 Apr 2018, 2:27 pm

nephets wrote:
nephets wrote:
einsteinmyhero wrote:
Gender is not real. Sex is, but gender, as defined by the american psychological association, is nothing but a social construct.hence why i believe in transexualism, but not transgenderism, gender fluidity, or the gender binary.

Trying to separate gender and sex is pure nonsense, without any scientific basis. Sorry. If your sex is male and you identify as female you are still male and that cannot be changed. If identify as Napoleon it doesn't mean I am. Society should not pander to delusions. If we do, why not agree with anorexic people that they are fat, or White people who identify as black? There are a very tiny number of people (about 0.1% of most populations) who have chromosomal abnormalities and are intersex. For the rest, a man in a dress is still a man. Apologies to Caitlin Jenner.

I agree to an extent. if a man wishes to pretend to be female, nobody should stop him, but I'm not going to stand logic on its head and call a man a woman, or vice versa. As to the harm caused, the suicide rate amongst those who have had a sex change (which is of course no such thing), is massive.

Yeah but they are only harming themselves. I would call a transwoman she out of manners but would not go along with all this non binary "Ze" or "they" nonsense, for me that is like them expecting me to give them a title like lord or Earl which I just wouldn't do.

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Tufted Titmouse

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06 Apr 2018, 11:09 am

nephets wrote:
As to the harm caused, the suicide rate amongst those who have had a sex change (which is of course no such thing), is massive.

I presume you are misinterpreting the only long term study that covers suicide rates among the trans community, namely: Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden by Dr. Cecilia Dhejne, et al

Let me quote the studys lead Dr. Cecilia Dhejne in an interview ... _15483.htm

...On people misusing and misinterpreting her study to spread their ignorance, hatred and transphobia(my words):

Dhejne: The study as a whole covers the period between 1973 and 2003. If one divides the cohort into two groups, 1973 to 1988 and 1989 to 2003, one observes that for the latter group (1989 – 2003), differences in mortality, suicide attempts and crime disappear.


The difference we observed between the 1989 to 2003 cohort and the control group is that the trans cohort group accessed more mental health care, which is appropriate given the level of ongoing discrimination the group faces. What the data tells us is that things are getting measurably better and the issues we found affecting the 1973 to 1988 cohort group likely reflects a time when trans health and psychological care was less effective and social stigma was far worse.

The author of the interview with Dr. Cecilia Dhejne, Cristan williams.
States clearly:

"There you have it. To be clear:

No, the study does not show that medical transition results in suicide or suicidal ideation. The study explicitly states that such is not the case and those using this study to make that claim are using fallacious logic".

Im of course presuming you've gotten your information from a good source and not a blatantly transphobic source with its own biased and twisted agenda, which you have mindlessly repeated parrot like?