Tawaki wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
I was looking through my school files about me as a kid for IEP and stuff and medical records. I found one from when I was five years old made by my preschool and the teacher wrote I manipulate other kids and adults. That made me wonder what I did to manipulate. I could only think of that one time when I was on a school bus and I wanted this wind up car this boy had so I asked to look at it. Instead I threw it under the seat and pretended it was lost. But everyone saw it was under the seat and I was made to give it back so I did. I doubt the teacher wrote that comment for that situation.
I can remember my mom telling me how lot of people didn't understand me and stuff and I lived in the moment so I wonder if this could have been misinterpreted as me being manipulative. Maybe also because I had different behaviors, I had one behavior there and different behavior over there because that was the way it was. Rules were different so I had to adjust. Maybe this got misinterpreted too as me being manipulative.
Has this ever happened to anyone, saw you were described as manipulative?
It could be if you had meltdowns/screaming/acting out when you couldn't get what you wanted. If that was your reaction to stress/disappointment, many people view that as being manipulative.
I'll act badly so they will cave to my demands.
I don't believe you did this deliberately, but people seeing the actions probably thought it was manipulating behavior.
I did cry when things didn't go the way I liked and also because I didn't understand. I think people just pick their battles when a child with a disability doesn't understand. I knew a girl with Down's syndrome who had her own markers and stuff and a bin full of her "stuff" because she would think everything was her because she didn't understand so the teachers just made a Shawna pile and that was hers only to use. Also she was once allowed to go next door when the school changed the schedule due to an assembly and she didn't understand she didn't go to Advisory because it was second period so the teachers just let her go next door. It was better than dealing with her getting upset due to not understanding there had been a change in the schedule. I was allowed to run all the bases in t ball because for some reason I got an idea in my head that is what you do after you finish hitting the ball, everyone just let me run the bases and not count the home run, hopefully I didn't count towards an out either and my mom had to stand out in the field with me. I didn't understand lot of stuff then. Plus I looked normal so people might have thought I was being deliberately obtuse. My mom knew just by talking to me I wasn't understanding consequences and not connecting and anything that happened before was over and I couldn't grasp later consequences. I am sure most parents would have given up on their child if they also lived in the moment thinking their child is incapable of understanding than because their brain just worked different.
I also remember crying when I couldn't get something in the store. I didn't do it out of tantrum, I was just so upset my mom wouldn't let me get it. One of the difficult things of being a kid lol. I just couldn't handle disappointment. No my mom didn't cave in, she just dealt with me crying. I call her tough.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.