I'm not exactly getting your metaphor here of Socrates and the hemlock.
But, being atheist, myself, I don't think a curse has any more effect on an individual than they give to it themselves. That's why curses can work. Because the individual believes they can and hence, is more likely to bring it about.
1. the mind believes the curse
2. the mind effects the actions and has a better chance of bringing about just such a situation
Now, I don't really care about evil spirits or good spirits or spirits in any manner. But in general, I have noticed that Buddhists and those who subscribe to various Pagan religions/beliefs tend to be much healthier and less psychologically conflicted and defensive individuals. And if I had just cause in my mind to believe in a spiritual side to human life or the universe, I would doubtless choose one of these practices, myself.
But as it is, I don't ascribe values of good or bad no matter HOW obvious it may seem to me. Since I am aware that it is only my perception, and that someone somewhere in the world or universe sees things differently, and either one of us could be wrong, and just because I feel it "right" doesn't make it so. So, I try to subscribe to my own general mental and physical health and live and let live and enjoy the time in life I have, accepting the bad with the good, vice versa, and so on. Badaboom.