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14 Jun 2018, 2:04 am

I've been floating and sparsely posting here without properly introducing myself, and thus will take the opportunity now!

I'm 32, live in Adelaide, Australia, and was diagnosed last year with ASD, or Asperger's had the diagnosis been 5 or so years earlier. It's been a huge life changing event for me and my family, as if a sudden unraveling of all the peculiar experiences in my life were instantly given context and rational.

My interest all orbit around a deep fascination with physics, patterns, and consciousness. Especially physics and patterns applied to consciousness. So, a lot of time spend on maths and music, programming, drawing and abstract research.

Ive been applying my interests over the last 4 or 5 years in developing a music sequencing program built in Pure Data, based around the fractal and geometric properties of time and pitch.

Of course all this has to exist in a world of family and relationship responsibilities, which has definitely had its ups and downs, thus what brings me to a forum to try to connect with others experience the same unique lens on this reality. When i saw the website "wrong planet" turn up in a google search i know i was in the right place. :D

Look forward to conversations and getting to know the community here,
Thanks for reading!

Sea Gull
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14 Jun 2018, 1:17 pm


It definitely turns your life on it’s head to learn that you have AS as an adult. I remember the first time I read a list of female traits I thought someone was following me around and writing down all of my disparate quirks. I couldn’t believe they were all related and that there was a group of people out there experiencing life like I do.

You sound like my boyfriend. He’s into fractals, patterns, music and graphics programming. We have very large moon snail shell and record collections in our house.


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14 Jun 2018, 3:25 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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16 Jun 2018, 1:54 pm

Welcome grindfish!

Good luck in the further development of your program. Hope everything works out for you and it will be something grand.

Enjoy the forum and I hope you will find people who share your interests and views.

Please be good to nature and all animals. Please be kind, respectful and patient with everyone. Equality and equity.


Joined: 6 Aug 2017
Age: 39
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Location: Adelaide

17 Jun 2018, 2:16 am

leahbear wrote:
I remember the first time I read a list of female traits I thought someone was following me around and writing down all of my disparate quirks. I couldn’t believe they were all related and that there was a group of people out there experiencing life like I do.

Yes thats exactly the moment, my wife read me out a list and i ticked every single one of them, it was such an uncanny feeling, all those intricate intangible details all there in one place, had a real truman show moment :lol: