I care a LOT about what others think of me. Social approval is naturally important to me, but some Aspies don't understand this. This is where I can relate to NTs so well. Being ridiculed or judged by others actually hurts. It's like a social pain. There are some things I would never, ever have the guts to do in a million years, like going out exposing unshaved legs. Now, in the UK (and some other countries too), it is frowned upon for women to have unshaved legs. It's not a personal choice where nobody cares whether you shave your legs or not. It is for men, but not for women. So me going out exposing unshaved legs is the equivilent to a person with a fear of heights going skydiving. Absolutely terrifying. If I was to go out looking or acting socially unacceptable, I would be feeling everyone's thoughts about me and it would just make me feel embarrassed and ashamed, and no Aspie in the world can talk me out of caring what people think.