HistoryGal wrote:
Sometimes that happens. Of course you don't have a conversation about it. The person stops communicating with you in a personal manner. Hard to get close to anyone as it seems once they get the friends they really want....they drop you to acquaintance status.
After half a lifetime as what I thought was best friends, this seems to be happening to me. I don't know why, but my friend has stopped answering my texts and emails. Then after days she'll send me a quick, cursory couple of lines apologising but not seeming in the least interested in me anymore or in sharing what's going on in her life. I have consoled myself with thoughts that she's got problems...but someone I know said they saw her the other day and she seemed happy. Come to think of it, whenever I would declare she was my best friend, or even one of my best friends, she never reciprocated. Now I'm feeling like an utter fool wondering why the hell I deluded myself for so long. I feel like I'm going through a divorce or a death. I have other friends, but this felt like my soul mate friend...and now I realise they never really felt the same way about me, but were just trying to spare my feelings. This really sucks.
"There once was a little molecule who dreamed of being part of the crest of a great wave..."
(From the story 'The Little Molecule' - Amazon Kindle, 2013)