Twilightprincess wrote:
I’m not taking it personally. I’m just trying to present a counterpoint.
It seems to me that you just took it personally when I said that most generally people find fit people to be more attractive and you felt that you had to show us that you're not like that. Do you think that my goal was to make women look bad? I seem to remember that you were one of the people who complained about it.
In the end we don't really care if you like fat guys, fit guys or aliens from Saturn, because we don't care about dating you but were just making a statement about what most people find attractive.
Luhluhluh wrote:
Yeah, being fit is not limited to the gym, guys. There are plenty of outdoor activities from biking, running, to skiing and mountain climbing that leads to having a fit body. And there's going to be more attraction between two people who share a passion. Very unlikely for a couch potato who sits inside playing video games all day to be attractive to someone who is really into climbing mountains. And the overweight girl may drool over the fit guy; very unlikely he's going to return her interest.
I may be misunderstanding your words, but are you suggesting that the fit guy won't return the fat girl's interest because they don't share the same passions?