Our house was big and had two bathtubs, each one with a shower, of course,
but we didn’t use them, mainly because we had no hot water. Instead, we
went once a week to a flat my parents owned elsewhere to have a bath.
By the way, we had a boiler, but couldn’t be bothered to get around to
installing it. My parents finally did it when I was a teenager, but it
only worked for a brief period, maybe a few months. Then they surprised
me by having it working again once, when I was about twenty and came to
visit them from the place where I was studying. Again, it lasted less
than a year, and as far as I know, the house has remained without hot water ever since. Of course, my parents are getting too old to endure those
living conditions, so they had to do something. What’d they do? Buy
another flat, of course, while keeping the house where I grew up in its
unfinished state and in growing disrepair.
By the way, there was a small room attached to our garage where my
parents intended to keep a washing machine, so we could do the laundry
there, instead of carrying it to the flat and back. Unfortunately, the washing
machine didn’t make it past my early childhood, so you can rest assured we did go back and forth with our laundry ever since. Besides, they put a shower there, with only cold water, too,
needless to say. If you guess we used it exactly zero times, you
guessed right! There was also a toilet, which we, astoundingly,
did use a few times. Anyway, faithful to our tradition,
we let both become unusable before we could ever truly benefit from
having them.
We didn’t exactly live in the middle of nowhere, but the population
density was low enough for it to be conveniently impractical for me to
spend much time with other kids, and, at any rate, my parents didn’t get
along very well with most of their neighbors, nor did the latter among
themselves, so any hazard that I might make friends and learn a bit
about socializing was duly averted, and it was thus guaranteed that my parents would
always have a reason to scold me for being so socially awkward.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.