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Joined: 6 Nov 2018
Age: 52
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Posts: 11

09 Nov 2018, 7:53 pm

For those of you who have to work, how do you push through when you just don't feel like you have it in you any longer? I work 6 days a week and have been saying for the last 5 years that I need two days a week, back to back, in order to decompress and be able to handle the next work week. I've only realized I have Asperger's 3 days ago. My GP is making a referral to be formally tested. Do any of you have any suggestions? Are there any resources? What are my options?


Joined: 10 Jun 2018
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Posts: 16
Location: Wisconsin

10 Nov 2018, 6:57 pm

Not sure where you're at, but here in the states it's possible to get FMLA days for stuff like that. I haven't pursued it, but I happened to find an industry that actually entertains my mind in the best of ways. I used to deal very little with people and was made supervisor. I'm seriously considering demoting myself because I was happier working along side the "work force" than working with the office people. I get 6 days a week too. Usually average 50-60 hours. I binge on ShipSim or R/C boat ideas in my time off. If you're in the states, I'd see about FMLA or a change of industry, company, etc.


Joined: 6 Nov 2018
Age: 52
Gender: Female
Posts: 11

10 Nov 2018, 7:57 pm

TJ_1989 wrote:
Not sure where you're at, but here in the states it's possible to get FMLA days for stuff like that. I haven't pursued it, but I happened to find an industry that actually entertains my mind in the best of ways. I used to deal very little with people and was made supervisor. I'm seriously considering demoting myself because I was happier working along side the "work force" than working with the office people. I get 6 days a week too. Usually average 50-60 hours. I binge on ShipSim or R/C boat ideas in my time off. If you're in the states, I'd see about FMLA or a change of industry, company, etc.

Thank you for the idea. I can get a break without losing my job.
Though I'm currently looking because I'd like to have weekends off.


Joined: 10 Jun 2018
Gender: Male
Posts: 16
Location: Wisconsin

11 Nov 2018, 6:38 am

No problem. Not sure what you do for work, but admin support of some kind at warehouses and factories usually get weekends off whether it's order entry or basic phone customer service, building the manifests for the drivers or whatever else. Non CPA accountants get awesome hours and if it's the right job it's tons of numbers, very few people, and bankers hours. I was kind of pursuing that one but I don't fare well in the office atmosphere like I said. LTL (less than truckload) companies like R&L, Standard Forwarding, XPO, Dohrn Transfer, LME, Saia, etc. usually require admins for pick up order entry and such. A lot of those companies don't run weekends unless drivers do, but never the admin support.


Joined: 6 Nov 2018
Age: 52
Gender: Female
Posts: 11

11 Nov 2018, 10:09 am

TJ_1989 wrote:
No problem. Not sure what you do for work, but admin support of some kind at warehouses and factories usually get weekends off whether it's order entry or basic phone customer service, building the manifests for the drivers or whatever else. Non CPA accountants get awesome hours and if it's the right job it's tons of numbers, very few people, and bankers hours. I was kind of pursuing that one but I don't fare well in the office atmosphere like I said. LTL (less than truckload) companies like R&L, Standard Forwarding, XPO, Dohrn Transfer, LME, Saia, etc. usually require admins for pick up order entry and such. A lot of those companies don't run weekends unless drivers do, but never the admin support.

Actually, I am an admin and I'm one of the very few in our fairly large company who works on Saturdays because our particular store only has a handful of workers.

It's a good job for the most part. I'm just worn down from the stress, hours and the constant noise.

I really need to update my resume and apply for other jobs. I'm not a fan of change. Imagine that. But, it's time.


Joined: 11 Aug 2015
Posts: 5,798

12 Nov 2018, 8:57 pm

My last 11 years of employment were for state government in an admin capacity. Standard work week was 40 hours (5 eight-hour days). I did much better after requesting a shorter work week of 32 hours as a handicap accessibility - due to a fatigue condition, did not even know at the time that I had autism. I also made a point of taking vacation time and that was also restorative.

If you like your current company, you might see if they are willing to accommodate your needs this way, rather than lose you. Don't present it as a demand or ultimatum, but that's what it really comes down to.

A finger in every pie.


Joined: 6 Nov 2018
Age: 52
Gender: Female
Posts: 11

16 Nov 2018, 7:25 am

BeaArthur wrote:
My last 11 years of employment were for state government in an admin capacity. Standard work week was 40 hours (5 eight-hour days). I did much better after requesting a shorter work week of 32 hours as a handicap accessibility - due to a fatigue condition, did not even know at the time that I had autism. I also made a point of taking vacation time and that was also restorative.

If you like your current company, you might see if they are willing to accommodate your needs this way, rather than lose you. Don't present it as a demand or ultimatum, but that's what it really comes down to.

It makes me happy to see that you took care of yourself! Thank you for sharing and offering advice. I've thought about a shorter workday, but it wouldn't work for this particular company unless I could convince them to hire a part-time employee. That person could also work on Saturday.