Are transgenders shooting themselves in the foot?
While it may be true that the trans community is under attack by extremist far-right activists, there are some aspects of this terrible conflict that are often ignored; that transgenders, like every other human being, are flawed.
Thoughout my Youtube ventures I've been seeing critcisms from both sides of the political spectrum, and I believe that I have a better idea of what the bigger picture might be; it is possible that the constant banning, outrage and harassment of ordinary people making slightly offensive, often harmless jokes and sentiments on social media done by the the trans community is what led to most of them being bullied in the first place.
In other words, it's is likely that, because of our attitude problems, all the transphobia that we transgenders experience in our lives is or own darn fault, not "those people". Maybe by realizing thit we may put an end to transphobia?
-Thomas Jefferson
I agree. I mean as a gay man I know what it's like to be mistreated just for being who you are but at the same time it really offends me when other homosexuals and transgender people put heterosexual people down as if they're all homophobic or transphobic and out to get us.
Kind of like Aspies who claim that all Neurotypicals are evil and out to get us aswell.
It isn't hard to respect someone's gender identity, even if you don't agree with it. How often do you use the word 'theirs or them' when referring to an unknown person, e.g: the postman? It's not hard to call someone by what they want to be referred to. As a gay woman it irks me when straight men insist I'm attracted to them just because bisexual woman are interested in men; this is usually after I've told them multiple times I already have a girlfriend and I'm not interested; so I can kind of understand where trans people are coming from
But you know it's kind of annoying whenever a transgender person isn't wearing drag and they get easily offended when a person who doesn't know that they are transgender calls them the wrong gender.
How exactly is that the other person's fault if they don't know? I wouldn't get mad just because somebody assumed I was into women I would simply explain to them that I like guys.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
Age: 42
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Hmm, do not agree.
I was witness to a trans person being arrested for assaulting a police officer (kinda, not really, it was bs.) after a situation escalated out of control. The trans person made mistakes and was defensive and kinda snapped at the cop.. but the cop wasn't exactly sensitive to the situation, either, but mostly out of ignorance. I spoke with the cop afterwards and filled in the blanks for him.. he & his female cop partner learned some things, and the end result was that the charge was dropped and just a simple breach of peace arrest record filed.
So, in some cases it can go both ways and trans people aren't helping their cause.. but I don't blame them for getting defensive or being guarded considering they have nearly 100% negative experiences with law enforcement.
Also, at work recently some guy expressed his homophobic and transphobic thoughts to me in front of another guy. I set the record straight with facts but did not tell him (or anyone I currently work with) that I'm gay. Everyone just assumes I'm straight. I've also learned since then that the young couple that work with us are both trans. f**k would it blow that guy's mind to find out at least 3 of his coworkers are LGBT. Anyways, my point is, some people are just as*holes and have terrible bigoted opinions that seem rooted in learned discrimination from parents/religion etc. It is not trans peoples' fault that these people spew their BS as they've done absolutely nothing to bring it upon themselves. They're just trying to live their lives like everyone else.

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