Piri Alchami wrote:
I began feeling out of place when I was 10 which began with a group of snotty 11 and 12-year-olds at a summer program designed for tweens. Suddenly no one watched animated films because "They all watched those things a long time ago." The staff members all encouraged it.
I also felt out of place during my years in Jr. high because of I thought I was the only one who still liked Disney films while everyone else was into sports, teen magazines, current events. However, I tried my darndest to fit in by dressing and looking a certain way in school and discovering that Leonardo DiCaprio was my teen. Only problem is that I didn't have any other interests.[/quote]
That's interesting. Your not fitting in is because of interests only, or is there something else?
I feel out of place because I don't have a common language with most people. I mean, there's a verbal dissonance in communication. I don't get the simplicity of people's communication...and I don't think they get my scatter-brained attempts at explaining myself.[/quote]
Note: This topic made me cry by the way
1. Autistics/Aspies can be extraverts too and I am one of those, however, people reject me because I tend to be over the top. I am a talker and I tend to monopolize the conversation because I go into every detail. People think I am being rude and inconsiderate but I am trying to tell them the whole picture.
2. I have ADHD and would get really silly and hyper which would turn others off
3. People who have not been properly educated about autism don't know how to approach me because they think I might be too sensitive or blow up.