Mumbai Man Sues His Parents for Being Born

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04 Feb 2019, 6:00 pm

I just saw in the news that a man from Mumbai is suing his parents saying that they did not ask for his consent to be born. I think what this man is trying to do is raise awareness about the ethics of bringing a child into this world. None of us consented to being here. We all grow up, forced to go to school, encouraged to go to even more school after that, move out, get a job, pay bills, get old, and die. If you think about it, this man may have a point. This world is full of pain and suffering. Suicides are rising and almost everyday I see someone posting on social media about how bad their life is and that they want it to end. We are all here because of the selfishness of our parents. All of the problems that we face throughout our lives could have been avoided if we were never brought into existence in the first place.

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05 Feb 2019, 2:21 am

I often get that feeling too. When I have a problem that I can't even start to figure out how to approach, I just start visualizing ways to kill myself. It's like the first thing that pops into my head. But then I feel bad and think of the aftermath of that or what I would do if the attempt failed. Failed suicide attempts can leave you much worse off. Somehow thinking about how that would cause even more problems makes me back down from that suggestion. And death doesn't actually solve a problem. Bringing that up as a solution implies that after the attempt I will be around to feel some kind of relief of a problem solved. But that's just not the case. It's just ceasing to exist. No relief, satisfaction, etc. And I just imagine the problems it would create for other people. I don't want to traumatize anyone else because I can't find a solution to a problem.

I think it helps to take overwhelming tasks and break them down into smaller steps. Make it into a puzzle or a game detached from emotional turmoil, and it's much easier to approach logically. That's what I have started trying to do and it has been helping.


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05 Feb 2019, 5:18 am

I totally agree that bringing children into the world is an immoral act, particularly in a backward world which refuses them the right, upon reaching adulthood, to dispose of their lives. I hope the man wins.


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06 Feb 2019, 10:02 pm

Nobody asked to be born

If the man wins the lawsuit, it should apply to everyone with living parents


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06 Feb 2019, 11:26 pm

The guy from Mumbai isn't going to win, as it's impossible to ask the consent of the unborn to be born, being that they don't exist yet.
Yes, suicide and suicidal depression is on the rise. In years past, I had been there, myself. But instead of killing ourselves, or wishing we had never been born, maybe the more sensible solution is to make life better for all of us.

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06 Feb 2019, 11:35 pm

I thought I should move out now that I'm an adult and give my parents a break. But now I've changed my mind. It's their fault I was born, which they never asked my permission for, so they should be stuck with me the rest of their lives.

If they had consulted me first before bringing me into the world, it might be different, but they never bothered.


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07 Feb 2019, 1:56 am

If your kid sues you and wins then...just turn around and sue your own parents to get the money to pay the punitive damages you would owe your kid, and then your parents could turn around and sue their parents, and so on.


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07 Feb 2019, 11:59 am

Natural plastic

Some people can't Sue their parents

Their parents are dead


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07 Feb 2019, 12:04 pm

Reminds me of the AS kid that killed his dad because his dad (genetically) gave him AS.

"He's like, 'So my dad gave me Asperger's ... and my dad should have never had any kids. ... port-says/

After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.


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07 Feb 2019, 12:06 pm

It's the logical end to taking a trend to the extreme, the absurd. I'm not saying it makes sense, but it's the end destination of the thought process that someone else, anyone else, must be responsible for [ everything or anything that produces an adverse reaction in a person ].

Rather than: "It's your fault that I feel this way about this certain thing."

It's: "None of the bad things in my life would have happened if I had never been born, so it's your fault for conceiving me."


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07 Feb 2019, 12:21 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
Natural plastic

Some people can't Sue their parents

Their parents are dead


Just sue their estate ( ie sue yourself!)! :lol:


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07 Feb 2019, 7:58 pm

This isn't the approach that I would take or that anyone should take. We are already here and there is nothing we can do about it unless we choose to end our life. I believe this man is trying to bring awareness to antinatalism, which is the philosophy that holds a negative value towards birth. He is trying to say that you have the option to not have kids and that you should think about any potential problems or suffering they may face throughout their lives.


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08 Feb 2019, 11:29 am

MSBKyle wrote:
This isn't the approach that I would take or that anyone should take. We are already here and there is nothing we can do about it unless we choose to end our life. I believe this man is trying to bring awareness to antinatalism, which is the philosophy that holds a negative value towards birth. He is trying to say that you have the option to not have kids and that you should think about any potential problems or suffering they may face throughout their lives.

So its a publicity stunt, but for a good cause?


It kinda reminds of the case a few years ago.

Remember that lawyer from Kenya who tried to get the Hague to sue for "the wrongful death of Jesus Christ"?

The guy tried to sue both the modern state of Israel, and the modern Republic of Italy, for the crucifixion of Christ. His thinking was that both the Jews and the Romans were involved in his wrongful death, so the modern states of Italy and Israel both need to pony up for it. I don't know if the lawyer even bothered to find Jesus's "closest surviving next of kin" so I don't know who would benefit from any cash settlement from such a lawsuit. The Hague just refused to consider it AFAIK.

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08 Feb 2019, 1:59 pm

The story is so outrageous that you wonder if it was nothing more than a publicity stunt, a way for an unknown man to have his second of fame in the spotlight. It is also interesting that both his parents are lawyers.

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