Hi guys. I'm new to this site. Diagnosed with Aspergers around 6 or 7 yrs old. Ever since i can remember I've had a hard time making friends. I feel like i don't have too much to talk about with other people. I didn't play music or sports growing up, no curremt hobbies except being a mom, housekeeper and watching television. I am a young mother now of a one year old at my age so it makes it harder to find friends. I have a really bad back so i smoke marijuana sometimes (legally in my state) which has helped my pain and I've noticed i have an easier time talking with people but, the anxiety is still there as far as making conversation goes. When i was disanosed with Aspergers i was so young i don't remember it but I've got the paper work to prove it. I definitely have this feeling about myself from as long as i remember that i almost can't connect with other people and i try hard but what do you talk about? How do you really form friendships? I've never told any friends of my diagnosis or my son's Father although sometimes i think they can tell I'm a bit off. No offense to anyone although I'm talking about myself.
My friend circle has always consisted of 2 or 3 really close friends and then more aquantices. These days i don't have really anyone.
wondering if any one else here has had the anxiety to reach out and form friendships and just feels like they can't???