The post subject 'How to build up support network/contacts/friends?' is a discussion thread that needs to be reclaimed!
Anybody consider the value of quality people (who've have extensive experience with Aspergers) who are impartial e.g, Therapists, Financial advisors, Educators, and even Attorneys?
From my own personal experience with Asperger's, my social-skills are enhanced in sessions with a Therapist (with Asperger Experience) I've seen for two-years. Has anybody noticed if social-skills improve within the presence of a trusted professional, who advocates an impartial viewpoints?
Anyways, to stay on the topic of support networks, has anybody considered travel to (or at least active correspondence with) metro-regions "ahead of the curve" on Asperger awarenss and support services? That is, such support services may also have experience on "best practices" which may be developed in one's own local community!