Meistersinger wrote:
I have done a crash and burn with every job I have ever held over the past 45 years. I now just sit here in my room all day, since the night tremors and panic attacks have started giving me fits again. When I tell most people about what I suffer, I get either trite platitudes or vicious contempt. Say something to a medical professional, I get comtempt or antipsychotics shoved down my throat. With the exception of the clergy, NO ONE REALLY GIVES A DAMN ABOUT MY ISSUES, which is why I no longer say anything.
I hear you. I have been drugged with antidepressants and dumped as a loony. I may still have been there if it wasn't for my "superpower" of analytical thinking and that one psychatrist who
did listen.
I'm not really
after burnout, I'm still
in burnout. I can't work right now but I hope there will be something of value I will be able to do later. I'm not sure if I can carry on with my science career though. But maybe me and science are just to live in this kind of an in-and-out relationship?
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>