Hi, I'm new here, I'm Tenesha. I've known there was something different about me ever since I was a child, and so did everyone else. I almost got tested for ADHD, but my dad thought it was a scam. I'm 23 now and I feel like it may be more intense then ADHD, like being on the spectrum. I will proceed to list why I feel this way.
1. I have a hard time interpreting feelings, but I'm empathetic
2. I have a hard time interpreting body language
3. Lots of difficulty in regulating my emotions
4. Trouble keeping conversation unless I'm interested in the topic. Often interrupt serious conversations Because I'm uncomfortable.
5. I need structure and routine or I cant function
6. Crowds, noise, and bright lights overwhelm me
7.Can't always figure out when people are joking
8. Prefer being alone, but maybe in the same general vicinity, like the same building but separate rooms.
9. Extreme difficulty making eye contact
10. Often space out and can't focus on what's infront of me. I often have trouble moving out of someone's way.
11. Become upset when someone touches/cleans my area or things
12. Difficulty making friends or dating
13. I stim when I'm alone
14. Often forget about items that are out of my field of vision
15. Anxiety all the time