I'm just feeling a bit down at the moment. Someone at work told me I laugh too much at strange things, like it's a bad thing. But I like to laugh. I read that laughing can be a great antidepressant, plus I'm on antidepressants too so that makes me feel like laughing more than whining.
For example, one time at work I was sitting in the staff lounge and a box fell off the shelf on it's own. When the boss came in, I said to him that the box fell, but he thought I said that the box smells. That made me laugh, although nobody else did. It's things like that what I find funny. And no, I don't laugh at inappropriate times like if someone has lost a loved one or something. I just laugh at small, random things that usually others don't laugh at.
But one of the girls told me that I am stupid because I laugh at stupid things. Now I feel self-conscious, and I wish I was more serious and only laughed at things other people laugh at. Well, I DO laugh at that also, but with all the random things I laugh at too makes people criticise that I "laugh at everything".
But if I acted calm and normal, I feel I wouldn't be me. I have ADHD, I am hyperactive and impulsive. I can't always help it.
I wish I was NT.