rhoades24 wrote:
Online dating is a scam for men who aren't male models or movie stars. If you are ugly, mediocre, or average you will get no woman interested in your profile no matter what you say. Pics are all that matters. It seems a majority of women of varying backgrounds and attractiveness levels go for the top 1% of men; tall, handsome, super rich, and socially powerful like an investment banker or CEO of a company. 99% of other men get nothing. Darwinism and monopolism of sexual market which sucks but is reality
I have no idea whether the above is true in the world of dating apps, but it's certainly not true in the world outside of dating apps. A lot more than 1% of men do manage to get married, and many of them stay married. See
Marriage and divorce: patterns by gender, race, and educational attainment.
By the way, there's one very large category of heterosexual women who have extreme difficulty finding a man: single or divorced mothers. These women generally want a man who has a decent-paying job, but, in most cases, he doesn't have to be a millionaire and he doesn't have to be super-handsome.
rhoades24 wrote:
I don't have any NT female friends, siblings or cousins to ask for advice or feedback. No females period. I always am perplexed how men become friends with women. I don't have any woman who I'm trying to get to know. It's a phenomenon I experience which I call the "non-reciprocated female syndrome." In other words none are interested in even glancing at me or speaking to me. Happens all the time on campus.
Are there any campus clubs that involve activities that are of interest to you and that attract women as well as men?
Your profile says you live in New York. Do you mean the New York City metro area, or upstate? If in the metro area, there are lots of psychotherapy resources around here that might be able to help you. If you or your family can't afford it and your insurance doesn't cover it, look for a place where psychotherapy grad student "externs" work under the direction of a licensed psychotherapist. That's a LOT cheaper than the going rate for licensed psychotherapists, although there tend to be long waiting lists.
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.