Highly_Autistic wrote:
This guy shouldnt reproduce. ...now im stuck in this world for 50+ years with his awful genes
Highly Autistic, I was thinking about what you said. Given your board alias, I assume you have significant disabilities or hardships. Given your comment, I assume you do not have reasonable support for these. I'm sorry for that. As all of us, I have seen folks who are well taken care of and those who are not - even in "normal" relationships.
My thought is this: I strive to be more like the parent we wish we had. I had difficulty having children and I had to make a really hard choice re: biological children. The geneticist pointed out the high rate of mental illness and suicide in my family. I have two children, and it pains me to see some of the struggles that I am familiar with for myself (communication, self esteem) but I know I made a commitment to them to give them the tools, to get them the resources to get through it --- so they can enjoy the ease and joy they have also. I made parenting my special interest. That said, my BFF (aspie traits) chose not to have children. She figured her genetics would stop with her. It's not her temperament to be bitter (she leaves that to me), so her choice was thoughtful and reasonable.
Thinking of you. Wishing you well in your 50+ years. Really. Now that I am in the swing of Life, I'm hoping for another 40 myself. Time will tell.