After much blood, sweat and tears I am pleased to announce the launch of - the first free to use dating/friendship site for those on the spectrum! aspiehearts allows you to find your perfect match by criteria from age to appearaance, lifestyle to distance. It's quick and easy to set up an account and it's up to you how many details you share. Of course personal contact details like phone and email address will never be shared. Finally I have customized the theme and appearance so it's easy on the eyes. aspiehearts runs on a dedicated server with 2TB of bandwidth so stability should not be a problem.
I know it's early days, but please give it a go if you're interested in meeting people you can relate to. Please let me know if there is anything that needs fixing or changing. I can also add new content if needed.
Thanks for checking it out - I look forward to any feedback - all constructive criticism is welcome!

Please note - the website is for those 18 and over.