notcreativename11 wrote:
I am 100% certain that you are not stupid!! I understand though, because people often made me feel stupid. For me, this mainly stems from coming across as lacking common sense, being absent-minded, and also being klutzy. However, these are all false perceptions and completely normal for being autistic! I think about the things I do well and realize that the things that I struggle with are small in comparison. Other people just don't understand because they find those things easy and do not need to give them a second thought. On the other hand, I am sure they would struggle with some of your talents. Regardless, I used to be self-critical whenever I struggled with something that others would consider "intuitive", but I now have a better understanding of my strengths/weaknesses and compare my progress to myself only.
I did a internet iq-test today on a mensa-webpage, and I got 119 points.