This topic tends to come up a lot in both the autism and ABDL community. While I am part of both(More DL than AB) I never considered it a part of being on the spectrum and just an entirely separate thing. I wonder why other fetishes are never mentioned though or people try to relate it to autism?
Me personally I wear for comfort reasons, such as feeling safe, it makes me feel more my age mentally(mentally I feel like I'm 15-17 sometimes younger), and the material feels much better than regular underwear(it feels snug like a hug which might help with sensory issues). When I don't wear I always feel like a part of me is missing.
Can't speak for the AB side, have to ask someone more into that side than me.
Anyway, maybe it has something to do with autism and our brains developing differently(and slower for some).
I am curious as to what they mean by "help therapeutically". Do they mean help with coping and not feeling ashamed about their wanting to wear or do they want to try and get people to get rid of it all together? Cause the first one I'm cool with, if it's the latter then miss me with that noise.
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."