Kraichgauer wrote:
We Lutherans are Amillennialists - that is seeing the thousand years as the indeterminate time between Christ's ascension and his return rather than the time period after the return.
I didn't know that Lutherans are different from other Protestants in such a drastic way. So do Lutherans believe in the book of Revelation? If not, then are there any other books in the Bible that Lutherans exclude from their canon?
Kraichgauer wrote:
While we believe most of Revelations has already occurred we are not Preterists.
Since you said "Revelation has already occurred" it means you *do* believe Revelation should be part of the Bible? Even if we disagree in the timing *when* it should occur, it has to be true book in order to occur at any time at all.
So are you saying Luther was wrong in trying to exclude it?
Also in what sense are you not Preterists?
And if you say most Revelation has already occurred, the question is when? I heard somebody tell me it occurred during Christs life. That can't be the case since John wrote Revelation in future tense -- it was already after Christ died and was resurrected. But what about yourself what time frame would you place it into?
And what about locusts and stars falling and all that? Are you saying it all took place in first century?
Kraichgauer wrote:
The Kingdom of Christ are all true believers united in their faith in Christ, or the Invisible Church in the here and now.
But do you believe there will come a future time when there will be no more death? I know Baptists believe it, but are you saying Lutherans don't?