SentientPotato wrote:
Carrying over from the Interview thread, name something you find absolutely ridiculous that is considered normal.
I know nothing of the interview thread, but I'm watching a whole "intelligent" species destroy their supporting ecosystem.
People spend great efforts to save one animal, and then kill many others to feed it.
People love their pets, but eat other animals that would have been loving pets if given a chance.
A good bicycle will carry 10X its weight, but cars seldom carry 10% of theirs. It is absurd for any land vehicle to outweigh its payload, but we use tons of steel to project an image.
There are more vacant homes than homeless people in the US.
Elections are fought with money and trickery, not moderated debates.
There are billionaires and starving people in the same cities.
We let corporations moderate our social connections and warp them.
People buy things even if it requires work that they would refuse themselves, or is illegal.
There are magazines about rich people, and very tight surveillance of poor people, but no access to the meetings of the rich.
Whistleblowers are in jail, instead of getting promoted rapidly.
Progressive people accept racism and sexism rather than blaming the rich white men specifically instead of white men in general.
Half of the medical expenses in a person's life are now used to extend the last, useless, agonizing year instead of being diverted to help youth.
I struggled to do R&D my whole life, and now that I'm not so sharp, I get a pension that would have produced great dividends earlier.
The best products always have inferior marketing, because they present no challenge for the best marketers.
For years, I wanted a faster computer for CAD. Now, I need one just for the ads on the 'net, to access the content. It would be cheaper to use micro-payments for the information.
The whole patent and copyright system stifles innovation to support an army of lawyers. The 'net not only makes it easy to copy and co-create, but also to track contributions and popularity. We should be paying small royalties from general revenue, mostly to enhance reputations, and share it all.
"Everyone knows inventors are crazy.
Inventors know everyone is crazy."