rache123 wrote:
I’m late to the party but this is a problem that I have all the time. I used to have OCD symptoms when it came to religion because my family would use a lot of fear mongering since I was a child. It would get to the point where I would excessively try to replace my thoughts when they weren’t pure because “God knows what you’re thinking,” then I would pray excessively over the same thing for fear of being impure, and there also was a point where I thought I was going to become a devil worshiper even though I wasn’t. I don’t think I have OCD though because with autism you can get “OCD” with certain things.
Nowadays I don’t necessarily have OCD-like thoughts, at least not to my awareness but I do constantly overthink about overthinking things. It’s a nightmare that feels like it can never stop.
Thanks for sharing. You have actually made me realize something. I don't know if religious obsessions a la OCD necessarily have to be pro-religion, but for a while I was obsessed with debunking religious dogma and promoting atheism and secularism humanism. My primary motivation for doing this seemed to have been like a sort of moral high-horsing and trying to /balance/ the impurity I observed in many religious groups. E.g., the more extreme gay-hating fundamentalists like the Westboro Baptist Church, as well as the less extreme Christian sects that don't necessarily /hate/ gays but still believe homosexuality is a sin.
This preoccupation got so excessive at times that I hurt people I care about and it jeopardized my relationship with them. I wasted so much time thinking and posting about it. It lasted for about four years or so. I guess I eventually realized that /most/ religious people aren't fundamentalists or extremists who want to impose their own theocracy on the world. It still very much irks me when I see someone saying things like "We need to put God back into public schools" or "We're a Christian nation, therefore everyone should yield to Christian values", but I know that in most cases trying to argue with them is futile.
Autistic (self-identified)
Open source, free software, and open knowledge geek
GoLang, Python, & SysAdmin aspirant
RPG enthusiast
Has OCD, social anxiety, CPTSD