am very sorry you have to go through a tough period . my executive function is mostly hit and miss.
but have watched and listened carefully to instructions in the past . Many times just repeat repeat repeat things over and over to ourself . Fight very hard to avoid intrusive side distractions .
am able to follow patterns ,, find myself pretty much ignoring any outside patterns till 1 st pattern is finished. and disregarding outside discussion.. even if am repeating outloud in public.. work very hard at self correcting patterns. Am somewhat lucky in some situations am able to recall old adages , very simple ones that i can repeat , that are based on generational old advise .
All of them are are good . <Dont count chickens before they hatch> basic ones are good.
Takes effort to be centered . And can be agreat strain on the brain.. but , it is important to getting task done. after the task is over you can then be , distracted , it was / is a serious effort .
if there is NO help coming then , i must understand that , must act on that basis. and not have expectations , of it. Just go and do .. gotta remember nourishment.. that is important to keeping your process on task .. A watch can be handy ,, if you associate numbers with actions .
Allow certain time to do , must do things . Food ,Sleep, Allow certain tasks certain times ..
later as task becomes more complete .. next time segment, next thing to do .. Later on you can make days to relax , when stuff is done. Entertainment will be also important .. time segment or a entire day after , you have done the task , is important too. ,< First things First> okay good luck with your stuff.
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are